In today's Swiss German lesson you will learn how to say: "I am running out of gas" in Swiss German. Let's suppose you are travalling in Switzerland. You decide to rent a hydrogen-powered car. Below you can find some useful vocabulary and phrases when travelling in Switzerland. Listen to the audio recordingUseful Swiss German vocabularyWo isch Where is de / di nöchschti the next d Tankschtell gas station Mir goht de Pfuus uus!! I’m running out of energy!! ich cha I have höchschtens at most im Momänt at this moment s het nur there are only 2 Wasserschtoff-Tankschtelle 2 hydrogen stations i de Schwiiz in Switzerland On the road in SwitzerlandEntschuldigung! Excuse me! Wo isch di nöchschti Wasserschtoff-Tankschtell? Where is the next hydrogen station? Mir goht de Pfuus uus!! I’m running out of gas (energy)!! Ich cha höchschtens no 10 km fahre! I can ride 10 km at most. Im Momänt het s nur 2 Wasserschtoff-Tankschtelle i de Schwiiz. At this moment there are only 2 hydrogen stations in Switzerland. Nämlich z Hunzenschwil im Kanton Aargau und eini z Dübedorf. Namely in Hunzenschwil in canton Aargau and one in Dubedorf. Das git s jo nid! It cannot be so! Ir hend kei einzigi Wasserschtoff-Tankschtell im Kt. Bärn? You don’t have any hydrogen stations in canton Barn? Ir sind denn Hinterwäldler! You are such backwoodsmen (hicks, old fashined guys)! Today we will talk about wishes in Swiss German. Was wünschisch dir uf Wiehnachte? What are you wishing for Christmas? Oh, ich bi wunschlos glücklich! Oh, I am wishless happy! Würklich? Really? Nei, eigentlich wünsch ich mir e Fründin. No, actually I wish I had a girlfriend. Oh, dä Wunsch cha-n-i dir nid guet erfülle. Oh, I can't fulfill this wish for you. Du muesch chli Geduld ha. You have to be patient. Du wirsch sicher no dini besseri Hàlfti finde. You will surely find your better half sometime. Chasch dir nid e-n-eifachere Wunsch uusdänke? Can't you think of an easier wish? De Markus wünscht sich zum Biischpil e Fäldschtächer. Markus wishes for example binoculars. D Larissa wünscht sich es nöis Velo. Larissa wishes a new bike. De Robert und d Ester wünsched sich es Wuchenänd i de Bärge. ... Robert and Ester wish a weekend in the mountains. ... Jo. Mini Gschwüschtete und ich wünsched üs e grossi Silväschterparty. Yes. My siblings and I wish a big New Year's Eve party. Aha. D Party münd ir sälber organisiere, aber ir chönd öich jo schöni Füürwärch defür wünsche. Aha. You have to organize the party yourself, but you all can wish beautiful fireworks for it. Wär das öppis? Would that be something? A short reading practice in Swiss German . Lesson inspired by a homeless guy I saw the other day in the center of Bern. Useful vocabulary and phrases:De Closchaar chnocheschtier broke es paar Schtei A few francs (stones) giizig stingy jufle To rush verdiene to earn schufte to work very hard s Läbe gnüsse to enjoy life umejette to fly around über Liiche goh to walk over dead bodies obe-n-abe gheie to fall down Das isch mir gliich. I don’t care. e Nichtsnutz A good-for-nothing d Schand disgrace De Pulli the sweater S Obdachloseheim Homeless shelter Ich ha Durscht. I am thirsty. De Güselchübel garbage schicke To send Ich bruuche nid vil. I don’t need a lot. Es Bänkli A small bench Reading Ich bi chnocheschtier. I’m broke. Hesch mir es paar Schtei? Do you have some money for me? Bis doch nid so giizig. Don’t be stingy. Wiso bisch immer am Jufle und hesch kei Ziit? Why are you always in a rush and why don’t you have time? Du verdiensch s Gäld und ich hilf dir s uuszgäh. You earn the money and I help you to spend it. Du schuftisch und ich gnüsse s Läbe. You work hard and I enjoy life. Ich ha au einisch zu dene ghört: Once I belonged to those people too: ich bi umejetted i de Wält, ha gschuftet für vil Gäld. I flew around in the world and worked my butt off for a lot of money. Ich bi über Liiche gange, zum meh Erfolg z ha, I went over dead bodies to have more success, … und vo wiit obe-n-abe gheit. … and I fell down from high above. Debii ha-n-i gmerkt: So mach-i miich, mini Familie und mini Umwält kaputt. That’s when I realized: Like that I destroy myself, my family and my environment. Aber jetz isch mer all das gliich. But now I don’t care about all this. Du dänksch miis Läbe het kei Wärt? You think my life is worthless? Ich bi e Nichtsnutz und e Schand? I am good-for-nothing and a disgrace? Ich bi hüt de Bescht im No-Waste Läbe. Today I am the best in No-waste-living. Ich recycle alles, wo-n-i cha. I recycle everything, what I have. Wenn i öppis nid bruuch chauf-i s gar nid ersch. When I don’t need something, I don’t buy it in the first place. Wenn s chalt isch, ziehn-n-i e Pulli meh aa. When it’s cold, I just put on one more sweater. Und im Obdachloseheim hilf i jedem so guet i cha. And in the homeless shelter I help everyone as good as I can. Ich ha immer es guets Wort uf de Lippe. I always have a good word on my lips. Und jede Obig schick-i es Danke gäge Himmel. And every evening I send my thanks towards the sky. Ich ha durscht, wott öppis zum Trinke chaufe. I am thirsty, I want to buy something to drink. De Rescht find-i i diim Güselchübel. The rest I will find in the garbage: Es Brot mit samt enere Wurscht. A bread with a sausage. Ich bruuche nid vil zum glücklich sii: I don’t need much to be happy: Es Bänkli a de Sunne A bench in the sun Und vilicht e zwöite, wo so dänkt wie-n-i. And maybe a second person who thinks like me. In today's Swiss German lesson you will learn how to say "I don't understand" Also, you will learn how to ask for clarifications and you will learn how to ask somebody to repeat. For totall beginners, just want to let you know that I made a new video about Swiss German numbers Learning a new language is never easy but with our easy-to-follow content, you can learn Swiss German in a blink. If you do struggle, it's best to be equipped with the "I don't understand" phrase. Perhaps just looking confused won't be enough. Wie seit mer das uf Schwiizertütsch? How do you say that in Swiss German? Ich verschtoh das nid. I don’t understand. Was meinsch? What do you mean? Chasch das bitte widerhole? Can you repeat, please? Ich rede nid so guet Schwiizertütsch. I don’t speak Swiss German so well. Ich rede nonig so guet Schwiizertütsch. I don’t speak Swiss German so well yet. Redsch Änglisch? Do you speak English? Chasch bitte chli langsamer rede? Can you speak slower, please? Practice your Swiss German on our app 🇨🇭 Eveery Monday new story 🇨🇭 💕 VIP live chat 💕 ⬇️ previous lessons ⬇️ E schloflosi Nacht A sleepless night Was isch los, Tigerli? What's up, little tiger? Ich cha nid schlofe, Müüsli. I cannot sleep, little mouse. Ich mach der e Whisky mit Milch und Honig, Schätzli. Honey, I am going to make you Whisky with milk and honey. Oh, das wär grossartig! Oh, that would be great! Müüsli, schlofsch scho? Little mouse, are you sleeping? Ich cha immer nonig schlofe. I still can't sleep. Tue doch Schöfli zelle!
Count the little sheep! Das hilft au nid, Müüsli! That doesn't work eighter, little mouse! Was du bruuchsch isch es Glas Wasser, Tigerli. What you need is a glass of water. Was tuesch so fägnäschte, Tigerli? Why do you keep tossing and turning, little Tiger? Ich cha immer nonig schlofe. I still can't sleep. Vilicht söttisch go dschogge. Maybe you should go jogging. Es isch scho drü am Morge! It is 3 o'clock in the morning. Ich goh morn go schaffe, Müüsli! I am going to work tomorrow love! Denn tue doch de Rosechranz bätte, Tigerli! Why don't you pray the rosary then, little tiger? Hör uuf fägnäschte! Stop tossing and turning! Und loh mi bitte lo schlofe. And let me sleep, please. Wenigschtens öpper vo üs sött morn fit sii! At least one of us should be fit tomorrow! Was sölled si mache? What should they do? Sött d Frau em Maa mit de Bratpfanne eis uf de Chopf tätsche? Should the woman hit the man with the frying pan? Oder sött si ihm es Drückerli gäh? Or should she give him a hug? I am a big fan of discussion activities. I think through conversation and dialogue you can significantly improve your Swiss German. There are many benefits of discussion. Discussion helps to learn the language better and quicker. In my lessons, I do my best to prompt students to talk, to be active, to try to use the language in a different context. In today's lesson, you will learn how to agree and disagree in Swiss German. Minere Meinig noh ... In my opinion.... Ich dänke ... I think... Ich gseh s eso: I see it this way: Ich meine ... I mean ... Sowiit das mich betrifft... As far as I'm concerned... Ich gschpüre, dass ... I feel that... um d Meinig froge asking for an Opinion Was sött mer dinere Meinig no mache? What should one do according to your opinion? Was sind dini Gedanke do dezue? What are your thoughts about it? Was dänksch du? What do you think? Genau. Exactly. Das isch genau das, was ich fühle. That's exactly how I feel. Ich chönnti nid meh mit dir iiverschtande sii. I couldn't agree with you more. Jo, do hesch de schpringendi Punkt. Yeah, you have a point. Mir goht s genau so. I feel the same way. Jo, sicher. Yes, of course. Ich dänke das au. I think so too. Ich bi iiverschtande mit dir. I agree with you. Das isch wohr. That's true. Du hesch rächt. You're right. Ich bi nid iiverschtande. I disagree. Das glaub-i nid. I don't think so. Nid umbedingt. Not necessarily. Das isch nid immer wohr. That's not always true. Nei, do bi-n-i nid sicher. No, I'm not so sure about that. Das goht doch nid! This doesn't work like this! Das cha-mer doch nid mache! You can't do that!
How to say "How are you?" in Swiss German? In today's lesson we will practice some simple Swiss German dialogues.
Wie goht s Ine?
How are you? Guet. Und Ine? Good. And you? Au guet, danke. I’m good too. Thanks. Wie goht s dir? How are you? Nid schlächt. Und dir? Not bad, and you?
Wie läbsch ?
How are you? “How do you live?” Wunderbar, mir gönd nämlich morn i d Ferie, und du? Wonderful, we actually go on holiday tomorrow, and you? Ich cha mi nid beklage. I can’t complain. Bi üs isch alles bim Alte. At our place, everything is as ever. How to introduce yourself in Swiss German?
In our live stream we will talk about how to introduce yourself in Swiss German. It may seem like a very basic topic for beginners but doing properly is extremaly important. Especially if you need to do it in a job interview, you might surprise your future employer with your knowledge of Swiss German.
Hallo, ich bi XY, wie heissisch du?
Hello, I am XY, what is your name? Hoi Hi Grüezi, ich heisse XY, wie heissed Sii? Hello, my name is XY, what's your name? Grüezi mitenand Hello everyone How to say "bye" in Swiss German?
Do you know how to say "bye" in Swiss German? In our next live stream you will learn how to sound like a Pro when leaving.
Tschau mitenand.
Bye everyone. Tschüss. Bye. Tschüss zäme. Bye everyone. Adee. Bye. Ufwiderluege. See you. Bis morn. See you tomorrow. Bis bald. See you soon.
January 2023