Here is a short audio recording with the Swiss German transcript. Listen to the recording about a trip to Bern. We visted Denis in Bern. To visit in Swiss German would be "bsueche". Denis was our guide "Fremdefüehrer". We want to see the bears in Bern but they were still enjoying their winter sleep "Winterschlof" We also went shopping in Bern. Shopping would be "lädele" in Swiss German. Travelling in Switzerland is not cheap but we manged to get a big discount on one conditon "Bedingig" that we would only take the regional train. Listen to the short audio in Swiss German. Imagine how you go on the train to Bern and how you tell you story in Swiss German to your Swiss friend. Speaking Swiss German is fun :) Mir sind das Wuchenänd uf Bärn de Denis go bsueche.
Er het für üs de Fremdefüehrer gmacht. Mir hend de Bäregrabe, s Chornhuus und de Ziitgloggeturm gseh. Leider mached d Bäre jetz de Winterschlof. Mir sind au z Bärn under de Laube chli go lädele. Mit em Brexit sind 110 Pfund nur no 120 Franke. So he-mer nüüt wölle chaufe i de tüüre Schwiiz. Aber mir sind mit-emene Supersaver-Billet uf Bärn cho. So he-mer z dritt nume 125.- hin und zrugg zahlt. Das heisst 50.- Fr. pro Person ohni Halbtax. Di einzig Bedingig isch gsi, dass mir mit emene Regionalzug fahred. Das goht 20 Minute länger als süsch. |
January 2023