When was the last time you picked up a hoola hop?
I just bought myself one and am very happy with it. What about you? How do you like to workout? In our next Monday live lesson, you will get to learn how to name body parts, talk about workout preferences. Also, we will learn how to ask simple questions such as "are you fit?" and "are you strong?" Join our community today to learn together Swiss German.
Was isch besser?
What is better? Is Fitness goh? To go to the Gym? Oder dehei turne? Or working out at home? Ich tue sehr gärn dusse turne. I like working out outdoors. Und wie hesch es du? And what about you? ("How have you got it?")
Today is Monday and I am really excited to chat with my students again.
The goal of today's eveing live lesson will be:
​Weli Ziit isch?
What time is it? Es isch Zähni. It is 10 am. Ich bruuche es Kafi. I need coffee. Ich au. Me too. Nei, vilicht bruuch i gar keis Kafi. Maybe I don't need coffee. Jo. Das chönnti guet sii. Yes. That could well be.
Here is a 1-minute glimpse into our last 30-minute Live lesson.
Chatting with you all was fun! Our community is growing and I am very happy to see your progress. See you next Monday. ​
Here is the topic for our next lesson. In our live lesson on Monday 8 PM we will be talking about busy mum.
Mami: Rueh, bitte!
Mum: Quiet, please! Chind: Mami, mir tünd jo nur schpile. Children: Mummy we are just playing. Mami: Gönd nöimed andersch go schpile. Mum: Go and play somewhere else. Mami: Ich mues mi konzentriere. Mum: I need to concentrate. Mami: Michael. Jo, es tuet mir Leid. Mum: Michael. Yes. I'm sorry. Mami: Ich ha di nid guet ghört. Mami: I didn't hear you well. ​ Mami Chasch du das widerhole, bitte? Mami: Can you repeat this, please?
Members get live lesson with chat, audio, videos and speaking practice for volunteeers.
Chund: Miis Auto isch kaputt.
Client: Hi. My car is broken. Mechaniker: Weles Auto? Mechanic: Which one? Chund: S orangsche. Client: The orange one. Mechaniker: Das gseht würklich schlächt uus. Mechanic: This looks really bad. Mechaniker: Was isch passiert? Mechanic: What happened? Chund: Ich ha-n-e chliine Unfall gha. Client: I had a small accident. Chund: De Motor isch glaub kaputt. Client: I think the engine is broken. Mechaniker: Würklich? Vilicht het er eifach keis Öl? Mechanic: Really? Maybe it just has no Oil?
​Hesch du au es Auto?
Chasch du diis Auto sälber repariere? Wär tuet Aafangs Winter d Pnö vo diim Auto wächsle? Hesch du au scho einisch mit em Auto i d Wörchschtatt müsse? Bruuchsch du es Ersatzauto, wenn diis Auto i de Garasch isch? |
January 2023