Are you shy to speak Swiss German? Bisch du z schüch, Schwiizertütsch z rede? Do you try to always speak Swiss German or switch to German? Versuechsch du immer Dialäkt z rede, oder fallsch schnäll is Hochdütsch zrugg? Do you find it annoying that Swiss people switch to German ? Närvt s di, wenn d Schwiizer grad uf Hochdütsch wächslet, wenn si ghöred, dass du e Usländer/i bisch? What's the hardest dialect for you? Weles isch de schwirigschti Dialäkt für dich? What's the easiest dialect for you? Wele Dialäkt verschtohsch am beschte? Which dialect do you prefer, Zurich, Bern, Luzern…? Wele Dialäkt hesch lieber, Züri-, Bärn- oder Lozärntütsch? Is Swiss German dialect for you or a separate language? Was dänksch du? Isch Schwiizertütsch für dich e seperati Schproch? Is Swiss German similar to Dutch for you? Tönt Schwiizertütsch für dich ähnlich wie Niderländisch? Is it better to learn Swiss German first or German? Was dänksch? Isch es besser, zersch Hochdütsch z leere, oder grad diräkt Schwiizertütsch? Do you have any questions about Swiss German? Hesch du irgendwelchi Froge über Schwiizertütsch?
This is me on my workout sessions where I keep saying "Ich mag nümm"
I think I need to change my attitude. In our next Monday VIP lesson we have 4 short dialouges about working out.
E Gruppe vo junge Fraue träniert dusse:
A group of young women exercises outside. Du schaffsch das. You can do it. Das isch so schwirig. Ich schaffe das nid. No, this is so difficult. I can’t do it. Du muesch dehei meh üebe. You must practice more at home. Ich mag nümm. I can’t do it anymore. Hör uuf z jammere! Stop complaining! Dänk dra, ohni Fliis, kei Priis. Remember, no pain no gain.
Every Monday at 9 Pm, we have a lesson with our tutor Nadia.
So before you start...
If your Swiss German is at the advanced level, and you enjoy participating in discussions in small groups, just contact me to discuss the details. Below, you have an example of the introduction to our lesson. Members also see the transcript of my audio recording.
Tuesch du gärn geime oder Computerschpiili schpille? Oder hesch i dinere Chindheit geimet? Wenn jo wiso und wi vill Schtund i de Wuche? Hesch s au scho übertriibe mit em Geime? Bisch z vill Schtund dra gsi? Hesch du scho mol en Art Sucht gha? Wenn jo was? Und wie hesch di devo chöne tränne? Kännsch öpper, wo e Sucht het oder gha het? Hesch ihn /si druf uufmerksam gmacht und wie? Was würdisch du mache, wenn din Partner/dini Partnerin e Game-Sucht hätti? Mach doch nid de Dokter, ich wott dini Ziit nid unnötig beaaschpruche. Don’t do it so scrupulously, I don’t want to take up your time unnecessarily. Wenn er uufruumt macht er immer de Dokter und wird nie fertig. When he cleans up, he always “makes the doctor” and never finishes. Wenn ich so würd de Dokter mache, denn wäre-mer hüt nonig fertig. If I would “make the doctor” like you, then we wouldn’t be finished with it even today. Tue doch nid dökterle. So chöme-mer uf kei grüene Zweig. Don’t “make the doctor”. Like this we never get on a green branch. Du muesch leere, schpeditiver z schaffe. You’ll have to learn to work more swiftly/quickly. Swiss German course. First month free then 45 Swiss francs per month. You can write more examples with "de Dokter mache" in the comments. Don't worry about the mistakes I will correct it. In our. next VIP lesson you will learn
Was hesch? What’s wrong? Nüüt. Nothing.
Have you ever taken a camper trip?
In our next VIP lesson we will learn:
Here are some, the most important sentences we will be practing in our live lesson on Monday
Chum mir undernähmed öppis.
Let’s do something. Chum, mir choched öppis. Let’s cook something. Öppis vegetarisches? Something vegetarian? Öppis wie Röschti vilicht? Something like Röshti?ti, perhaps?
Hesch du am Wuchenänd scho öppis vor?
Do you have any plans for the weekend? Nei, ich ha no nüüt vor. No, i don't have any plans. Chum, mir undernähmed öppis. Come, let's do something. A Uusflug i d Bärge wär schön. A trip in the mountains would be nice. |
January 2023