Eric : Hend ir s luschtig? Eric : Are you having fun? Rebecca: Jo. Ich gnüsse d Musig und s Ässe. Rebecca: I’m really enjoying the music and food. Mir hend de Plausch zäme. We have fun together. Eric : Chömed, mir schtossed zäme aa! Eric: Come on everybody, let’s make a toast! D Nochberi, Frau Näf: Hey, goht s öich no? neighbour, Mrs Näf: Hey, are you out of your mind? Ir sind vil z luut! You are too noisy! Sind bitte chli ruiger! Quieter please! Rebecca: Wönd Si nid mit üs zäme fiire? Rebecca: Don’t you want to celebrate with us? Herr Näf: Was isch das? Mr Näf: What is it? Eric: Hend Si gärn Wii? Eric: Do you like wine? Rebecca: Das isch es Gschänk vo üs. Rebecca: This is a gift from us. Mr Näf: Jo. Ich liebe Rotwii. Mr. Näf: Yes I love red wine. Alli zäme: ... füüf, vier, drü, zwöi, eis ... Guets Nöis allersiits! All together: ... five, four, three, two, one ... Happy New Year everyone (to all sides)! Prosit Nöijohr! Uf es bessers Johr! Cheers to the better year ahead! Herr Näf: Vile Dank für d Iiladig. Mr. Näf: Thank you for the invitation. Das isch e unvergässlichi Nacht gsi. This is was a unforgetable night. Guets Nöis! Happy New Year. Christmas time teaches us many valuable things. For me it is time to show gratitude for all the loved and close people we have in our lives. We learn how to be patient with ourselves and others. We learn how to forgive anyone that has done us wrong. But most importantly, we learn how to give.
Hüt isch scho Mäntig, de 20ischt Dezämber! Today is already Monday, 20th of December! Ho, ho, ho! I vier Täg isch Wiehnachte! Ho, ho, ho! In four days we will have Christmas Day. Ich bi so fröidig gschpannt! I'm so happily excited! Mir sind au total uufgregt! We also are totally excited!
Here is a short introduction to our live lesson on 13th December. We will be talking about Christmas presents. Es isch scho bald Wiehnachte. It's Christmas soon. Überall wärded scho Wiehnachtslieder gschpilt. Everywhere Christmas carols are being played. Aber früener he-mer uf de Platteschpiler vil besseri Musigqualität gha als hüt. But we used to have a much better quality of music on the vinyl record players. Vilicht cha-n-i mine alti Platteschpiler wider flicke? Maybe I can repair my old vinyl player again?
A short introduction to our Monday 8 PM course. We will be talking about skiing. Bin ich müed! I am tired! Ich au. Me too. Ich bruuche e Pause und es warms Tee. I need a break and warm tea. Ich bruuch' es Kafi. I need coffee. Das isch e grossartige Tag gsi! It was a great day. Was mache-mer am nöchschte Mittwuch? What are doing next Wednesday? Mir gönd natürlich wenn möglich wider go Schii fahre. Of course we are going skiing again, if possible.
January 2023