In today's VIP class we will have a lot of examples with the verb "can". Here is a short introduction to the lesson. You can join the class here Here is the conjugation of the verb "can" in Swiss German chönne Ich cha I can du chasch you can er cha he can si cha she can mir chönd we can As usual during the lesson we will cover short dialouges where you can practice real life Swiss German in a conversational context. Here is the introduction. Mini Schultere tünd mir weh. My shoulders hurt. Das isch de Schtress. This is the stress. Du bruuchsch e Pause. You need a break. Mach doch e Pause! Take a break! Ich cha kei Pause mache. I can’t have a break.
Weather is such a universal topic. Perfect for making a small talk. Perfect for engaging someone, a stranger, in a conversation. Here you will learn a couple of useful phrases that will help you carry out a chat about weather in Swiss German.
es chliises Lüftli
es chliises Windli a bity windy chliini Wälle small waves grossi Wälle big waves bade swim früehligshaft warm spring like warm ohni Jagge umelaufe to walk around without a jacket d Sunne schiint the sun is shining es het es paar Wölchli there are a few clouds de Himmel sky e chalte Wind cold wind d Winterjagge winterjacket d Chappe hat sünnele sunbathe
3000 followers on Instagram. Thank you!
Thank you for the conversations and discussions we have. Every Monday it's so heartwarming to see you chat with each other in Swiss German. Truly community learning is the way to go. But this is not all I wanted to say today. There's some extra good news!! We have a book for you to celebrate. Just write me an email.
Do you like clothes shopping? Clothes trends change all the time. Some make a comeback whilst others tend to be forgotten. Do you follow any trends? I usually go to a shop and pick out the things that catch my eye. Then I have to try them on. I don’t follow any trends, but just go with my feeling and what I see on how well something suits me. In today’s lesson you will learn how to name clothes items, give compliments and ask for advice.
Goal of our next Monday 8 PM live class:
Viktoria? Bisch du das?
Vicky? Is that you? Jo, und wär isch am Telefon? Yes, and who is calling? Dänk ich, d Sarah. It’s me, Sarah. Mir hend üs scho so lang nümm gseh. We haven’t seen each other in so long. Jo. Das isch e Ewigkeit här. Yes. That was ages ago. Säg, was hesch so gmacht i de letschte Ziit? So tell me, what have you been up to lately? Ich bi vil greist. Und du? I’ve been travelling a lot. And you? |
January 2023