e lange Marsch long trek d Wüeschti desert s Kamel camel de Hund dog e wohri Gschicht true story Möchtisch ...? Would you like to...? E jungi Frou goht uf ne sehr e lange Marsch. A young woman goes on a very long trek. Si louft dur d Wüeschti. She goes through the dessert. Si het nume drü Kamel und e Hund. She's only got 3 camels and a dog. Das isch e wohri Gschicht. It is a true story. Möchtisch du einisch uf Auschtralie goh? Would you like to go to Australia once? Today we will talk about relationships in Swiss German. What is a secret to have a good and happy relationship? First of all, never ever critisize your partner, secondly hug a lot, thirdly kiss a lot, and last but not least improve your communication and don't have any secrets. What do you think? dini Frou kritisiere criticize your wife dine Maa kritisiere criticize your husband dini Frou umarme hug your wife dine Maa umarme hug your husband s Gheimnis the secret Werum lönd sich d Lüüt i de Schwiiz lo scheide? Why do people get divorced in Switzerland? 1. Wil d Manne iri Fraue kritisiered. 1. Because the husbands criticize their wifes. 2. Wil d Fraue iri Manne kritisiered. 2. Because the wifes criticize their husbands. 3. Wil d Ehepaar sich nid umarmed. 3. Because the married cuples don't hug. 4. Wil si sich zwenig küssed. 4. Because they kiss too little. 5. Wil si vorenand Gheimnis hend. 5. Because they keep secrets from each other. Was dänksch? What do you think? Werum, dänksch du, lönd sich d Lüüt i de Schwiiz lo scheide? Why do you think people get divorced in Switzerland? s Büdsche
budget woäne where to Ich bsueche drü Tag lang Züri. I am going to visit Zurich for 3 days. Miis Büdsche isch 500 Euro. My budget is 500 Euro. Woäne söll i goh? Where should I go?
Star wars louft im Kino.
Star wars "runs" in the cinema. Mir möchted is Kino goh. We would like to go to the cinema. Ich ha zwöi Bilet. I have two tickets. Leider chö-mer nid go. Unfortunately, we can't go. Die zwöi Bilet sind zäme 60 Franke. The two tickets together are 60 CHF. Möchted ir a üsere Schtell is Kino goh? Would you like to go at our place to the cinema? Nimmsch du ...?
Do you take..? ... isch guet für ... ... is good for ... Das hilft. That helps. Lieblings... favourite Nimmsch du Vitamine? Do you take vitamins? Vitamin C isch guet bi-n-ere Vercheltig. Vitamin C is good for a cold. Vitamin C hilft bi-n-ere Vercheltig. Vitamin C helps for a cold. Nimmsch du Nahrigssupplemänt? Do you take supplements? Was isch diis Lieblings-suplemänt? What's your favorite suplement? Hesch gärn Gschänkli?
Do you like presents? Was wär s beschte Gschänk für dini Frou? What would be the best present for your wife? Was wäri s beschte Gschänk für dine Maa? What would be the best present for your husband? A was hätti dine Lehrer fröid? What would please your teacher? Was wünscht sich dini Schwigermueter? What is your mother-in-law wishing? de Bundesrot
Swiss cabinet de Mittwuch Wednesday d Bevölkerig population i de letschte 10 Johr in the past 10 years d Iiwanderig beschränke restrict immigration De Bundesrot isch am Mittwuch (am 9. Dezämber) gwählt worde. The Swiss cabinet was elected on Wednesday. D Bevölkerig vo de Schwiiz isch i de letschte 10 Johr um 11% gwachse. The population of Switzerland has grown by 11% in the past 10 years. D SVP wott d Iiwanderig beschränke. SVP want to restrict immigration. Sött de Bundsrot schträng sii i Sache Immigration? Should the Swiss cabinet be tough on immigration? Sött de Bundesrot d Iiwanderig beschränke? Should the Swiss cabinet restrict immigration? Conversation with Swiss people can be an interesting experience for many expats living in Switzerland. My online students tell me that Swiss people are very politically correct and polite. In the short audio recording below you can listen to some advice how to have a conversation with the Swiss people. What is your experience speaking Swiss German with Swiss people? Do you find it easy to start the conversation in Swiss German? ❤️ 30 day free trial ❤️ every Monday new story ⬇️ live lessons ⬇️ Wie söll mer es Gschpröch mit Schwiizer füehre? How to have a conversation with Swiss people? 1. Tue s Telefon uf d Siite. 1. Put away your phone. 2. Konzentrier di uf s Gschpröch. 2. Focus on the conversation. 3. Tue nochefroge. 3. Ask questions. 4. Tue lächle. 4. Smile 5. Los guet zue und schtell gueti Froge. 5. Listen and ask good questions. 6. Bis humorvoll. 6. Use humor. 7. Nimm alles sehr ärnscht. 7. Take everything very seriously. Wie reded d Lüüt mitenand i diim Land? How do people talk to each other in your country? Isch es eifach für dich, es Gschpröch mit diim schwiizer Nochber z fühere? Is is easy for you to have a conversation with your Swiss neighbor? Dänksch, dass d Schwiizer e Sinn für Humor hend? Do you think Swiss people have a sense of humor? Es chliises Meitli läbt nur mit irere Mueter. A little girl lives only with her mother. Iri Mueter isch sehr ehrgiizig. Her mother is very ambitious. Ire Nocchber isch sehr eigenartig. Her neighbor is very strange. Er zeigt em Meitli e total anderi Wält. He shows the girl a totally different world. Könsch du s Buech? Do you know the book? Hesch du de Film scho gseh? Did you see the movie already? |
January 2023