Vocabulary s Fondü fondue s Caklon fondue pan s Röscho fondue heater e Fondügable fondue fork rüere to stir e Chruschte crust de Chnobli garlic de Kirsch cherry schnaps es Schmützeli a small kiss Converstation 1 Chömed doch hüt z Obig zu üs, es git es guets Fondü! Why won't you (all) come to us tonight, we'll have a good fondue! Es Fondü! Das ha-n-i scho lang nümm gha! A fondue! I didn't have this since a long time! Jo gärn. Das isch e tolli Idee. Yes, with pleasure. That's a great idea. Denn bringe-mir de Wii dezue. Then we will bring the wine for it. Conversation 2 Wau, das Fondü isch super! Wow, this fondue tastes great! Das isch keis Fertigfondü, oder? This is not just a ready made fondue, is it? Nei, das ha-n-i i üsere Chäsi gchauft. No, I bought it in our cheese shop. Es isch es Muatie-muatie, halb Greyerzer und halb Vaschrä. It is a moitié-moitié, half Gruyère half Vacherin cheese. Was hesch süsch no dri toh? What else did you put in there? So wie immer, chli Chnobli, Wiisswiii, Maizena und no e Schprutz Kirsch. As usual, a little garlic, white wine, cornstarch and a splash of cherry schnapps. Ah, das isch sicher de Kirsch, wo mer gschpürt. Ah, this must be the cherry schnaps one feels. Conversation 3 So, e Guete mitenand! So, enjoy your meal all together! Und tünd guet rüere, dass es nid e z grossi Chruschte git! And please stir well, that there won't be a big crust! Oje, jetz ha-n-i miis Brotschtückli verlore! Oh dear, now I've lost my piece of bread! Ändlich chum-i es Schmützeli über! Finally I get a small kiss! Nei, das schtimmt nid. No, that's not right. Die Person lings vo dem, wo s Schtückli verlore het, chunt es Schmützeli über. The person sitting to the left of the person, who lost the piece, gets a kiss. Das bi-n-ich! That's me! Immer mit de Rue, ir zwei. Take it easy, you two. Wänn ir wänd, cha-n-i jo beidne es Schmützeli gäh! If you really want, I can give a kiss to both of you. Watch the video now and repeat aloud what you hear. If you want you can try my Monday VIP course. Every Monday we have 4 short dialouges Here's another short Swiss German video lesson about jobs and experience. Read the script of the lesson and in the end watch the video: ich sammle Erfahrige I gather experiences du sammlisch Erfahrige you gather experiences er sammlet Erfahrige he gathers experiences si sammlet Erfahrige she gathers experiences es sammlet Erfahrige it gathers experiences mir sammled Erfahrige we gather experiences ir sammled Erfahrige you gather experiences si sammled Erfahrige they gather experiences de Bruef the profession Erfahrige sammle to gather experiences es Praktikum mache to make an internship d Uusbildig the education e Wiiterbildig mache to make a further education d Fähigkeit the skill d Lehr mache to make an apprenticeship s Eidgenössische Fähigkeitszügnis the swiss skill certificate (a diploma you get after an apprenticeship) d Zuekunft the future d Kenntnis erwärbe to acquire knowledge Conversation 1 Was hesch i Zuekunft vor? What are you up to in the future? Ich möcht e richtige Bruef lehre. I would like to learn a real profession. Wie wär's mit enere schwiizer Bruefslehr? How about a swiss apprenticeship? Conversation 2 Hoi Peter, ich ha di scho lang nümm gseh. Hi Peter, I haven't seen you in a long time. Was machsch eigentlich? What are you doing actually? Bisch scho fertig mit dinere Uusbildig? Did you finish your education? Ich ha grad mini Schriinerlehr abgschlosse. I just finished my carpenter apprenticeship. Morn chum-i miis Eidgenössische Fähigkeitszügnis über. Tomorrow I get my swiss skill certificate. Super! Härzlichi Gratulation! Great! Congratulations! How long does it take to integrate well with the Swiss society? Do you find the process easy or difficult? Is it easy to make friends in Switzerland? |
January 2023