Letschti bi-n-i mit üsere 10jöhrige Tochter is Reschtorant gange. Recently I went to a restaurant with our 10-year-old daughter. Das isch üses Gschpröch im Reschtorant: Here is our conversation in the restaurant: “Ich möcht s Tagesmönü und üsi Tochter möchti gärn s Chindermenü.” I want a normal meal and our kid wants the kids' menu. De Chällner muschteret üsi Tochter und seit: “Isch si Nüüni?” Waiter looks at kid "Is she 9?" Ich: “Nei, si isch scho Zähni gsi.” Me: "No, she was already 10." Chällner: “Es tuet mir leid, s Chindermenü isch nur für Chind bis Nüüni.” Waiter: "Sorry, Kid meal is only for kids up to 9 years old" “Ohh, OK. Hend si e-n-alternativs Menü?” "Ommm, OK. Do you have an alternate meal?" Chällner: “Nei.” Waiter: "No." “Mini Tochter wünscht aber nume s Chinder Chicken Nuggets Menü mit Pommfrit.” "But my daughter would only like the KIDS Chick Nugget meal with fries.” Chällner: “S Chindermenü isch nur für Chind bis Nüüni, ohni Uusnahm.” Waiter: "Kids menu is only for up to 9 years old. No exceptions. Sie mues öppis anders us em normale Menü wähle.” She'll have to order something else from the normal menu." Ich “Aber si het kei Luscht uf di andere Sache.” "But you don't have anything that she wants from your normal menu." Chällner: “Es tuet mir würklich Leid, aber do cha-n-i nüüt mache.” Waiter: "Sorry but I can't do anything." Wie würdisch du i dere Situation reagiere? How would you react in this situation?
❤️ New lesson every Monday ❤️ Basic or VIP lessons ⬇️ 😊 30 day free trial 😊⬇️ Useful phrases: Chasch das säge? s Chuchichäschtli. Can you say it? “s Chuchichäschtli”. s Gschirr Dishes Versorge To put away Chasch das säge? s Chuchichäschtli. Can you say it? “s Chuchichäschtli”. Es Chuchichäschtli isch es Chäschtli i de Chuchi, wo mer zum Biischpil Gschirr drin cha versorge. A kitchen cupboard is a cupboard in the kitchen, where one can put away dishes for example. Chuchichäschtli isch es Schwiizertütsches Wort, wo schwirig isch zum uusschpräche. Chuchichäschtli is a Swiss German word, which is hard to pronounce. Im Chuchichäschtli sind grad drü CH. In the word Chuchichäschtli there are right three CHs. Für vil Usländer isch es schwirig, Chuchichäschtli richtig uuszschpräche, wil s so vil Ch im Wort het. For a lot of foreigners, it is hard to pronounce Chuchichäschlti properli, because it has so many CHs in the word. D Ch vom Chuchichäschtli chratzed im Hals. The CHs from Chuchichäschtli scratch in the throat. Ich bruuche s chliine Chörbli, wo im schreckliche Chuchichäschtli verschteckt isch. I need the small basket, which is hidden in the awful kitchen cupboard. Chind Gottes, de Chäs chunt doch nid is Chuchichäschtli, dä chasch i Chüelschrank tue! Dear child, the cheese doesn’t belong in the kitchen cupboard, you can put that in the fridge! Mine Schwoger het alli Chuchichäschtli nöi gmolet und jetz gesehnd si wider uus wie nöi!
My brother in law painted all kitchen cupboards new and now they look like new again. Chum, mach schnäll, mir chömed süsch z schpot i Chuchisalon. Come on, hurry, otherwise we will be too late in the kitchen salon. Du weisch jo: Mir wönd nöii Chuchichäschtli go uussueche! You know: We want to go and choose new kitchen cupboards! |
January 2023