❤️ Every Monday new lesson ❤️ ⬇️ Basic or VIP ⬇️ Wie isch d Fahrt gsi? How was the ride? Es isch wunderbar gsi. It was wonderful. Mir hend e grandiosi Uussicht gha. We had great views. Es isch unglaublich iidrücklich gsi. It was incredibly impressive. Here is introduction to our Monday VIP lesson. I hope to learn more about wine from you. 🧡 Every Monday 8 PM new VIP lesson 🧡 ⬇️ chat with other students ⬇️ Mir hend nur schwiizer Wii. We only have Swiss wine. Ich liebe lokale Wii. I love local wine. Probiered Si ne doch! Just try it! Wie isch er? / Wie findsch ne? How does it taste? Er isch troche und kantig. It is dry and edgy. Ich ha-n-e nid so gärn. I don’t like it so much. Ich mache Notize für Si. I’ll write down your comments, sir. Wie wär s mit dem Wii? How about this one? Oh, dä isch schön fruchtig. Oh, this one’s nicely fruity. Dä ha-n-i gärn. I like it. Our next lesson on this Monday 4 short dialouges ⬇️ live lesson at 8 PM ⬇️ In our Monday 8 PM live class we will practice:
Oh, das isch schrecklich gsi! It was terrible! Mir isch di ganz Ziit schlächt gsi. I felt sick the whole ride. Ich ha s fantastisch gfunde. For me, it was fantastic.
? Introduction to our Monday 8 PM live lessons ?
Audio and Video ⬇️ live lessons with chat and speaking practice ⬇️
Ich ha so Hunger.
I am so hungry. Ich au. Me too. Möchtisch Maroni? Do you want Maroni? Was isch das? What is it? |
January 2023