Goal of our next Monday live lesson:
Was machsch du do?
What are you doing? Es isch Mäntig, ich schaffe. It's Monday. I am working. Ich bringe chli Farb is Huus. I bring some colours into the house. Dine Maa het gseit, dass du chli Veränderig bruuchsch. Your husband said, that you need some change. Wie gfallt dir die Farb? Do you like the colour? Si gfallt mir gar nid. I don't like it. Here is a short lesson about the verb "to live". You will learn how to pronounce this word in Swiss German and also its conjugation. Finally, you will learn to ask simple questions. ⬇️ 30 day free trial ⬇️ ⬇️ ❤️ every Monday new lesson ❤️ ⬇️ wone ich wone I live du wonsch you live er wont he lives si wont she lives mir woned we live ir woned you live si woned they live Wonsch du do? Do you live here? Nei, ich wone z Bärn. No, I live in Bern. Wo wonsch? Where do you live? Ich wone z Friburg. I live in Fribourg. Wo woned Si? Where do you live? Ich wone z Albanie. I live in Albania. Wo wonsch? Where do you live? Ich wone im Schtadtzentrum. I live in the city center. Wo woned Si? Where do you live? Ich wone im Dorf. I live in the village. Ich ha früener i de Schtadt gwont. I used to live in the city. Aber hüt won-i uf em Land. But today I live in the countryside. In our Monday 8 Pm lesson for members you will learn:
❤️ live lesson every Monday ❤️ ✨ audio and videos✨ ⬇️ speaking practice for volunteers in small groups ⬇️ Here is the introduction to our live lesson: Woäne gö-mer? Rächts oder lings? Where are we going? Right or left? Rächts goht s scho is Tal abe. On the right it goes down to the valley. Lings goht s no ufe und über de Pass. On the left it still goes up and over the alpine pass. Gö-mer ufe oder abe? Are we going up or down? Chum, mir gönd abe. Let's go down. If you were to decide on the company that would build your house, would you choose the word of mouth route or go out your own way to find it yourself? It's good to support your close ones, but financially speaking, sometimes their prices may be a lot higher in comparison to other companies that could do it for less. It's all about investigation, research and asking way too many questions. In today's Tuesday conversation group for advanced students we will talk about the story below Letscht Wuche he-mer es grosses Problem gha. Das heisst es isch uufcho, aber mir sind immer no dra e Uuswäg z finde. Hoffentlich finde-mer bald e Lösig defür. Mir baued jo es Huus am See und mir hend Problem mit em Architekt gha. Er het plötzlich vil meh vo üs verlangt, als er uurschprünglich bütschetiert het. S Huus chunnt jetz vil tüürer als er das berächnet het. Und das nid nur, wil i de letschte Ziit d Priise für d Baumaterialie explodiert sind. Er het irgendwo i sine Berächnige e Fähler gmacht und d Chöschte falsch berächnet. Wie isch das möglich, wenn er doch e erfahrene Fachmaa isch und das nid zum erschte Mal macht? Und wie gseit, das het nid nur mit de schtiigende Materialpriise z tue, die triibed eifach no s Uusmass vo de Mehrchöschte no einisch meh i d Höchi.
Happy Monday everyone! This time it wasn't as chaotic as last week's lesson preparation.
We got the illustrations early. We had a dialogue draft written up. The most surprising element of it all was that we created our own original lyrics for a short song in Swiss German. Life is a surprise after all. In today's lesson you will learn how to express:
Very useful you want to assign cleaning roles around the house. See you on Monday 8 PM
Ich ha-n-es Gschänk für dich.
I have a present for you. Du hesch es Velo für mich. You have a bike for me. Er het es Buech für si. He has a book for her. Si het e nöie iPad für ihn. She has a new iPad for him. |
January 2023