Welcome to this short lesson where you’ll learn how to make a simple phone call in Swiss German! We’ll cover some basic phrases for a smooth telephone conversation, and dive into conjugating the verbs "to call" and "to answer the phone." This is the introduction to my VIP Monday Lesson. This Monday, we’ll focus on the verb "to call," and you’ll get 4 real-life dialogues. You’ll master key phrases like “I’m calling about…” and work through conversational situations so you can feel confident speaking on the phone in Swiss German. Ready to test your skills? Join us for a 30-day practice journey! ❤️ Live lesson every Monday ❤️ ⬇️ chat with other students ⬇️ aalüüte
to call ich lüüte aa - I call du lüütisch aa - you call er lüütet aa - he calls si lüütet aa - she calls es lüütet aa - it calls mir lüüted aa - we call ir lüüted aa - you call si lüüted aa - they call s Telefon abnäh - to answer the phone ich nime s Telefon ab - I answer the phone du nimmsch s Telefon ab - you answer the phone er nimmt s Telefon ab - er answers the phone si nimmt s Telefon ab - si answers the phone es nimmt s Telefon ab - es answers the phone mir nämed s Telefon ab - we answer the phone ir nämed s Telefon ab - you all answer the phone si nämed s Telefon ab - they answer the phone S Telefon lüütet. - The phone is ringing. Kathrin, chasch bitte s Telefon abnäh? - Kathrin, can you answer the phone, please? Wär isch am Telefon? - Who is calling, please? Do isch d Kathrin. - Here's Kathrin. Cha-n-i mit em Max rede, bitte? - Can I speak to Max, please? In this Swiss German mini lesson, we’ll talk about essential questions you need for getting around and finding key places in Switzerland. 🚂🏥🏦🏨🍞 Whether you’re hunting for the train station, looking for the hospital, trying to spot a Bank, checking into a Hotel, or craving something fresh from the bakery—this lesson has you covered! 💪 Here, you'll learn how to confidently ask:
❤️ Every Monday new lesson❤️ ⬇️ Live chat ⬇️ Entschuldigung, wo isch das? Wo - where Entschuldigung - excuse me Wo isch das ? - Where is this? chönd Si mir säge - Can you tell me? Entschuldigung, wo isch d Chile? Excuse Me, where is the church? Entschuldigung, wo isch de Bahnhof? Excuse Me, where is the train station? Entschuldigung, wo isch s Schpital? Excuse Me, where is the hospital? Entschuldigung, wo isch d Bank? Excuse Me, where is the bank? Entschuldigung, wo isch s Hotel? Excuse Me, where is the hotel? Entschuldigung, chönd Si mir säge, wo de nöchschti Bankomat isch?
Excuse Me, can you tell me, where the nearest cash machine is? Entschuldigung, chönd Si mir säge, wo d Beckerei isch? Excuse Me, can you tell me, where the bakery is? Entschuldigung, chönd Si mir säge, wo s es guets Beizli het? Excuse Me, can you tell me, where there is a good pub? In this lesson you will learn how to say "must" in Swiss German. Remember to use the right tone of your voice when you use this verb :) Ich mues I must du muesch you must er mues he must si mues she must es mues it must mir münd we must ir münd you must si münd they must Yeh, mir hend es nöis Huus! Yeah, we have a new house! Mir sind so glücklich! We are so happy! S Huus mues aber jetz renoviert wärde. But the house has to be renovated now. Mir münd s Dach flicke. We must fix the roof. De Andreas mues üs hälfe, de Garte i Schtand z schtelle. Andrew must help us to get the garden ready. Du muesch d Muure renoviere. You must renovate the walls. Ir münd di elektrischi Inschtalazion uuswächsle. You all must change the electric installation. Ich mues d Wänd nöi schtriiche. I must paint the walls. Denn mü-mer alles no gründlich putze. And then we have to clean everything thoroughly. Mir münd no so vil Sache mache! We still must do a lot of things. Jo, mir münd zersch chli uusruje, befor mir aafönd schaffe. Yes, we must relax before we start working. |
January 2023