Today we will learn how to say "bicycle" in Swiss German. There are some examples as well. Ich tue sehr gärn Velo fahre. I like to cycle. Chum mir gönd go Velo fahre! Come let's go cycling! Was? Hüt? Bi dem Wätter goh-n-i nid go Velo fahre! What? Today? With this weather, I don't go cycling! Aber mir münd no d Summerferie plane. But we still have to plan the summer holidays. Wie wär's wenn mer wüded zäme Veloferie mache? What about going on cycling holidays together? Das isch e gueti Idee. This is a good idea. Denn mü-mer aber im Früehlig zum träniere es paar längeri Velotuure mache. But then we have to go on some longer bike tours to train in springtime. It is early December, and it is time for St Nicolas. He arrives in Switzerland on 6th December. If you behaved yourself, You can get from St Nicolas different presents like tangerines and gingerbread. St Nicolas is not alone; he's got a helper named Schmutzli. In today's lesson, we will talk about what my students think of him. Mini Fründin us de USA dänkt, dass de Schmutzli sehr e kontroversi Figur isch. Einigi Lüüt hend ne gärn, anderi säged, dass er eifach de Hälfer vom Samichlaus isch. Vil Chind hend Angscht oder mindeschtens Reschpäckt vor -em, wil mer ne seit, dass wenn si bös sind, de Schmutzli si i siim Sack i Wald mitnimmt. Was dänksch du über de Schmutzli? Git s e vergliichbari Figur i dinere Kultur? My friend from the US thinks that Schmutzli is a controversial figure. Some people like like him, some people say that he is just a helper of St. Nicolaus. A lot of children are scared of him or at least have respect from him, because people say that if they are naughty, Schmutzli will take them with him in a bag to the forest.
What do you think about Schmutzli? Do you have a similar figure in your culture? |
January 2023