De Gascht The guest S Usland The “outland” = foreign country Cho bsueche To come to visit D Erwartig The expectation Es Programm uufschtelle To set up a program D Belaschtig The burden Öpper entlaschte To relieve Erzieh, erzoge To raise, bring up, brought up Öppis biiträge To contribute D Wärtschätzig Appreciation Übernachte To stay overnight Belaschtend Burdensome Gaschtfründlich hospitable Verwöhne To spoil Sich lo bediene To let yourself be attended to /waited upon Fuul lazy Di letschte Johr he-mer rächt vil Gäscht gha. Last years we had quite a lot of guests. Und wil vil vo üsne Fründe im Usland wohned, chömed si grad für mehreri Täg zu üs i d Schwiiz. And because a lot of our friends live in other countries, they come to Switzerland for a few days in a row. Das isch mängisch rächt schtressig mit dene zwöi chliine Chind. Sometimes this is rather stressing with our two small children. Es git Lüüt, wo d Arbet nid gsehnd und d Erwartig hend, dass mir üs di ganz Ziit um si kümmered und ine es Programm uufschtelled. There are people who don’t see the work and expect, that we look after them and make a program for them all the time. Si gsehnd überhaupt nid, was mer alles z tue het mit so chliine Chind und hälfed nid mit They don’t see at all, what we have to do with so small children and don’t help us. Anschtatt üs wenigschtens chli z entlaschte, sind si no e grösseri Belaschtig für üs. Instead of relieving/ unburdening us, they are even more of a burden for us. Ich finde, dass üsi Generation i dere Hiisicht schlächt erzoge worde isch. I find that our generation was badly raised in this regard. Si chömed nid emol uf d Idee! They don’t even have the idea! Es wird erwartet, dass vo de Gaschtgäber alles finanziert und organisiert wird. It is expected, that everything is financed and organized by the host. Vor allem wenn si längeri Ziit bliibed, chönnted si mindeschtens au finanziell öppis zum Zämeläbe biiträge. Especially when they stay for a longer period of time, they could at least contribute financially something to the living cost. Und es wird nid mol e Wärtschätzig oder Dankbarkeit zeigt. And appreciation or thankfulness is not even showed. Si empfinded das als sälbschtverschtändlich. They perceive this as obvious. Wenn d Bsuecher ganz jung sind, vilicht Schtudänte, cha-mer das jo no verschtoh. When the visitors are very young, maybe students, one can understand this. Die sind no jung, wenig erfahre und hend kei Gäld. They are young, little experienced and have no money. Aber vo Lüüt i üsem Alter, würd i doch meh erwarte. But from people our age, I would expect more. So he-mer jetz also aagfange, üsne Gäscht z säge, dass si nid bi üs chönd übernachte, wil mir zwenig Platz hend und si is Hotel münd goh. So we started to tell our guests, that they can’t stay overnight at our place, because we don’t have enough space and that they have to go to the hotel. Das isch vil weniger belaschtend für üs. This is less burdensome for us. Defür gseh-mer si aber au vil weniger. On the other hand, we don’t see them as much. Wenn d Gäscht im Hotel münd übernachte, denn het mer e gwüssi Dischtanz und cha sich träffe, wenn mer Ziit het. When the guests have to stay at the hotel, then there is a certain distance and one can meet them when one has time. Aber es isch schwirig für üs, nei z säge und üs z beschränke, wil eigentlich wäre mir sehr gärn gaschtfründlich. But it is difficult for us to say no and to restrict ourselves because we really would like to be hospitable. Ich finde s schad, dass mer de Lüüt mues säge, was mer vo ine erwartet. I think it’s a pity, that one has to tell the people, what one expects from them. Üsi Generation isch z fescht verwöhnt worde und es het vil fuuli Paschas, wo sich gärn lönd lo bediene. Our generation was too spoilt and there are lazy buggers, which like to be attended. Wie isch das bi dir, wenn du Gäscht hesch? How is it when you have guests? |
January 2023