Here is a short summary of our last live stream on Tuesday at 8 pm on my You Tube channel. As usual I try to make the sessions as natural and as conversational as possible. After each live stream at 9 pm you can join my Speaking Workshops on Zoom. Below there are some of the questions we tried to discuss. Thank you for taking part in it.
Is Swiss German easy to learn?
Is Swiss German difficult for you to learn? I would like to talk about your experiences with learning and studying my mother tongue. Yes, we will try to answer the question: Isch Schwiizerdütsch schwirig zum Leere? A lot of people think that Switzerland has 4 official languages and learning French or Italian or German or Romansch will do. At least speaking one of those languages will do, right?
Where can I learn Swiss German?
How to learn Swiss German? Where can I learn Swiss German? We will try to answer the question: Wie leersch s Schwiizerdütsch am Beschte? It might be a bit of a struggle since you can hear German or French or even Italian and other languages everywhere you go. Another problem with Swiss German is the fact that it is not officially written language. There isn't any official dictionary for Swiss German. Maybe one day we will do it in our online language school. For me personally, the best way to learn is through listening and speaking as much as possible.
What's the most difficult thing in learning Swiss German?
The next question we will try to discuss is: "What is the most difficult thing in learning Swiss German? Was isch s Schwirigschte am Schwiizerdütsch? In general, people find learning languages difficult. Yet for some people, it is a piece of cake to learn another language. Let's face it, it the beginning, when you start learning a new thing you are very likely to make a lot of mistakes. It is normal, don't be afraid to make mistakes. Also, don't expect too much and just enjoy being immersed in a new language and culture.
Should I learn Swiss German or German?
Most of my students who want to learn Swiss German with me have to face this question: "Why do you want to learn Swiss German? Wiso wottsch du Schwiizerdütsch leere? The number one reason is that Swiss German is spoken in Switzerland. If you want to integrate with the local people and local culture you have to be able to understand the local language. The next reason you should learn Swiss German is that its grammar is much easier than German. Most of my students tell me that Swiss German is much easier than German. Speaking Swiss-German is really cool and it would make you feel more integrated in Switzerland. The big dilema is always if I should learn German frist or Swiss German.
What are the typical expressions for Zurich dialect?
Some of you already know that my mother is from Zurich. I was brought up hearing that dialect all the time. In my live stream, we will try to answer the question if it is difficult for you to follow and speak with people from Zurich? Above in the short video you will also learn an interesting expression describing, busy and stressed out business people from Zurich. Also I would be curious what would be your answer to this question: "Do you like Zurich dialect?" Gfallt der s Züri-Dütsch?
Tounge twisters in Swiss German
In every language, you can practice your pronunciation with tongue twisters. Basically, it is repeating some specific sounds in order to improve the way you speak. It is very challenging when you try to say the Swiss-German tongue twisters very quickly. Tongue twisters will help you improve your pronunciation and your ability to speak more fluently. They will help you to be understood better. Try to say this aloud, my favorite: De Papscht hät s Bschteck z schpot bschtellt.
If you want to watch the live stream again, join our growing community of Swiss German students. Thank you for your support.
We are excited to see you again on Tuesday at 8 pm
Simple Swiss German story about a climber who died a few years ago. In this lesson you will learn how to conjugate the verb "climb" in Swiss German. ich chlättere - I climb du chlätterisch - You climb er chlätteret - he climbs si chlätteret - she climbs es chlätteret - it climbs mir chlättered - we climb ir chlättered - you climb si chlättered - they climb De Ueli Steck isch am Mout Everest bim Chlättere gschtorbe. Ueli Steck died climbing on Mount Everest. De Ueli isch e Schwiizer Chlätterer gsi. Ueli was a Swiss Climber. Er isch de schnällscht Chlätterer vo de Wält gsi. He was the fastest climber in the world. Er het d Bärge gliebt. He loved mountains. Er het s Chlättere gliebt. He loved climbing. Leider het er e-n-Unfall gha, während em Chlättere. Unfortunately, he had an accident when he was climbing. Sehr wahrschiinlich isch er uusgrutscht und 1000m abegheit. Probably he slipped and fell down 1000m. Here is a short, love story in Swiss German. You will learn how to say "Will you marry me?" Hoi, schöni Frau, ich glaub, ich ha di gärn.
Hi, beautiful woman, I think I like you. Hallo. Wiso seisch das? Hello. Why are you saying that? Wo-n-i di gseh ha, ha-n-i mi grad i dich verliebt. When I saw you, I fell in love with you. Es het mi troffe wie-n-e Blitz! It hit mi like a lightening! Schön. Very nice. Möchtisch mit mir a-n-es Randevu cho? Will you go with me on a date? Vilicht. Maybe. . Ich füehre di a-n-e wunderschöne Ort. Du wirsch überrascht sii. I will take you to a beautiful place. You'll be surprised. Ich cha s nid erwarte! I can’t wait! Do si-mer. Wie gfallt s dir? We're here. How do you like it? Die Uussicht isch eimalig. This view is amazing. Das isch so romantisch! This is so romantic! Ich chönnti e-n-Ewigkeit do mit dir sii. I could be here with you all eternity. Du bisch so bsunders für mich. You are so special to me. Cha-n-i di öppis froge? Could I ask you something? Sicher scho. Of course. Wottsch mi hürote? Will you marry me? Was dänksch du? What do you think? Was het si gantwortet? What did she answer? Glaubsch du a Liebi uf de erschti Blick? Do you believe in love at first sight? Wie würdisch du öpper aaschpräche, wenn di i die Person verliebsch? How would you address somebody, when you fall in love with this person?
In this short video, you will learn how to conjugate the verb "to get". You can practice your Swiss German with 3 very short conversations including the verb "to get"
Swiss German in restaurant for members here
In today's lesson we will learn how to swear in Swiss German. In other words you will learn how to express your anger or disappointment. Be careful in what situations and context you use the swear words. It might be ok with your friends, but avoid it in formal situations.
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Das isch es Wort zum sine Ärger uusdrucke.
This is a word to express your anger. Das isch es Wort zum sine Ärger uusdrucke. This is a word to express your anger. Gopfetori, jetz ha-n-i de Zug wäge dir verpasst! Damn it, now I have missed my train because of you!
Gopfetori! Chasch nid besser uufpasse?
Damn it! Can’t you be more careful?
Und wie isch diis Bewärbigsgschpröch gange?
And how did your job interview go? Gopfetori! Das ha-n-i total verschwitzt! Damn! I completely forgot about that!
Gopfetori, jetz isch mir di ganz Tomatesosse uusglärt! Damn it, I spilled the whole tomato sauce! Jo das chasch säge, Gopfetori! Yes, you can say that, damn it! Gopfetori, mini Hose sind ganz verfläcket! Shit, my whole trousers are stained!
Now listen and repeat aloud. Ok,maybe not too loud :) After all, you will be swearing in Swiss German and you don't want your neighbors calling the police, right.
Basic or VIP Swiss German course
every Monday new lesson ❤️ 30 day free trial ❤️ Swiss German at work.Today's lesson is about work. Do you need Swiss German to speak with your work mates? I hope you have a much better boss than the one in the situtaion below. Schaffed ir? Are you working? Jo, mir schaffed! Yes, we are working! Sind ir flissig? Are you hardworking? Natürlich si-mer fliissig. Of course we are hardworking! No 10 Minute, Tempo, Tempo! Ten more minutes, chop, chop! Tempo, Tempo! Chop, chop! Guet, jetz hend ir e Halbschtund Pause verdient. Good, now you have earned a break for half an hour. Uff, e Halbschtund Pause! Yeah! Uff, half an hour break! Yeah! I am working my butt off to teach you Swiss German:) Read the notes and enjoy the video to improve your Swiss German vocabulary and listening skills. Let's start with the conjugatopn of this wonderful Swiss German verb e schträngi Wuche ich schufte I work my butt off du schuftisch you work your butt off er schuftet he works his butt off si schuftet she works her butt off es schuftet it works its butt off mir schufted we work our butts off ir schufted you all work your butts off si schufted they work their butts off Vocabulary Mäntig Tsiischtig Mittwuch Donnschtig Friitig Samschtig Sunntig Conversation 1 Was machsch am Mäntig? What do you do on Monday? Am Mäntig bi-n-i dehei. On Monday I'm at home. Ich mues uufruume, putze und choche. I have to tidy up, clean and cook. Was hesch am Tsiischtig vor? What are you up to on Tuesday? Am Tsiischtig goh-n-i uf-n-e Gschäftsreis. On Tuesday I go on a business trip. Was machsch am Mittwuch? What are you doing on Wednesday? Am Mittwuch mues i de ganz Tag im Büro schufte. On Wednesday I have to work off my butt all day in the office. Was hesch am Donnschtig vor? What are you up to on Thursday? Am Donnschtig bi-n-i s Taxi für mini Chind: On Thursday I am the taxi for my kids: Ich fühere de Max is Schwümme. I lead (bring) Max to the swimming classes. Ich hole d Evelin vo de Flöteschtund ab. I pick up Eveline from the recorder lesson. Di zwöi Jüngschte bring-i is Tschutti-Träning. The two youngest ones I bring to the football training. Was mached ir am Friitig? What are you all doing on Friday? Am Friitig he-mer es Familie-Träffe. On Friday we have a family meeting. Was hend ir am Samschtig vor? What are you all up to on Saturday? Am Samschtig gö-mer i Wald go pilzle. On Saturday we go picking up mushrooms to the forest. Was mached ir am Sunntig? What are you all doing on Sunday? Am Sunntig erhole-mer üs vo dere schtränge Wuche. On Sunday we recover from the busy week. Muesch du vil schufte? Do you have to work your butt off a lot? Macht di dini Arbet chrank? Is your work making you sick? Was bruucht mer für-n-es guets und gsunds Arbetsklima? What does one need for a good and healthy climate at work? Hesch gnueg Freiziit? Do you have enough free time? Was machsch i dinere Freiziit? What do you do in your free time? Now let's listen and repeat after me. If you do it several times, I am sure you will get the hang of it. All it takes to get better at Swiss German is practice, practice and practice... Swiss German Course with KathrinVerb "to think". Short conversation in Swiss GermanIn today's lesson we will learn a very useful verb "to think". We will learn how to ask about opinions in Swiss German. What do you think about feminists, climate change, Swiss public transport. How to say "I think" in Swiss German?finde think ich finde du findsch er find(e)t si find(e)t es find(e)t mir finded ir finded si finded dänke think ich dänke du dänksch er dänkt si dänkt es dänkt mir dänked ir dänked si dänked Useful vocabulary d Klimaveränderig climate change d Feminischte feminists d Gliichberächtigung equality d schwiizer Musig Swiss music de schwiizer ÖV (öffentlichi Vercher) Swiss public transport Conversation 1 Was dänksch über d Klimaveränderige? Ich dänke, das isch es sehr es seriöses Problem. What do you think about the climate change? I think it is a very serious problem. Conversation 2 Wie findsch d schwiizer Musig? What do you think about Swiss music? Ich find si grossartig. I think it is great. Wie findsch s Jodle? What do you think about yodeling? Das find-i sehr schön. I think it's very beautiful. Conversation 3 Was findsch, isch scho überall Gliichberächtigung i de Schwiiz? Es isch scho nid schlächt, aber mer chönnt doch no einiges verbessere. What are you thinking, is there already equality in Switzerland? It s not bad, but we could still improve quite a few things. Questions asking about opinions in Swiss German. Was dänksch über d Klimaveränderig? What do you think about the climate change? Wie findsch d Feminischte? What do you think about the feminists? Was dänksch über d Gliichberächtigung? What do you think about the equality? Wie findsch d schwiizer Musig? What do you think about Swiss music? Wie findsch de ÖV i de Schwiiz? What do you think about Swiss transport? In today's lesson you will learn some basic conversation in the mountains. Small talk is very important and it is a great way to improve your Swiss German speaking skills. Next time you are in the mountains try out and have some fun with the phrases below. Conversation 1 Grüezi, sind Si scho uf em Gipfel gsi? Hello, were you on the peak already? Jo, ich bi go de Sunnenuufgang luege. Yes, I have been to look at the sunrise. Het s vil Lüüt dobe gha? Did it have a lot of people on the top? Nei, ich bi ganz elei gsi, aber jetz ha-n-i scho einigi Lüüt underwägs troffe. No, I have been all alone, but now I have already met some people on the way. Isch es no wiit bis zum Gipfel? Is it still far to the peak? Das chunt druf aa, ich glaube, vo do uus isch es no öppe anderthalb Schtund. That depends, I believe, from here it is about one a half hour. Das isch perfäkt, denn chö-mer uf em Gipfel obe picknicke. That’s perfect, then we can have a picknick on the peak. CONVERSATION 2 Grüezi, isch das de richtig Wäg zu de Sennhütte? Grüezi, is this the right way to the Sennhütte? Jo. Do chunt mer au zu de Sennhütte, aber Si münd e-n-Umwäg mache. Yes. Here one gets to the Sennhütte too, but you have to make a detour. Wenn Si diräkt zu de Sennhütte wönd cho, denn münd Si do unde bim Wägwiiser rächts goh, i Richtig Hubeltobel. When you want to go directly to the Sennhütte, then you have to go right at the signpost down there, in direction Hubeltobel. Wüssed Si, öb si s Bärgbeizli hüt offe het? Do you know, whether the mountain-bar is open today? Wo-n-i hüt am Morge bi dra verbii cho, isch s no zue gsi, aber jetz sött s scho offe ha. When I came past the hut this morning, it was still closed, but now it should be open already. CONVERSATION 3 Mami, wie wiit goht s no? Mum, how far is it still? Chö-mer nid es Pöiseli mache? Can’t we make a short break? Das isch so schteil do. Ich mag nümm. It’s so steep here. I’m worn out. Lueg, do vore het s e Brunne! Look, over there is a fountain! Det chö-mer üs chli erfrüsche. There we can refreshen us. Denn sitze-mer i Schatte und warted uf di andere. Then we sit down in the shadow and wait for the others. Chum, nume no das chliine Schtückli, denn mü-mer nid i de pralle Sunne sitze. Come, only this little stretch, then we don’t have to sit in the blazing sun. |
January 2023