In today's lesson we will learn how to swear in Swiss German. In other words you will learn how to express your anger or disappointment. Be careful in what situations and context you use the swear words. It might be ok with your friends, but avoid it in formal situations.
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Das isch es Wort zum sine Ärger uusdrucke.
This is a word to express your anger. Das isch es Wort zum sine Ärger uusdrucke. This is a word to express your anger. Gopfetori, jetz ha-n-i de Zug wäge dir verpasst! Damn it, now I have missed my train because of you!
Gopfetori! Chasch nid besser uufpasse?
Damn it! Can’t you be more careful?
Und wie isch diis Bewärbigsgschpröch gange?
And how did your job interview go? Gopfetori! Das ha-n-i total verschwitzt! Damn! I completely forgot about that!
Gopfetori, jetz isch mir di ganz Tomatesosse uusglärt! Damn it, I spilled the whole tomato sauce! Jo das chasch säge, Gopfetori! Yes, you can say that, damn it! Gopfetori, mini Hose sind ganz verfläcket! Shit, my whole trousers are stained!
Now listen and repeat aloud. Ok,maybe not too loud :) After all, you will be swearing in Swiss German and you don't want your neighbors calling the police, right.
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January 2023