Our next VIP lesson will be about cooking ❤️ Audio ❤️ Video ⬇️ 👍 Live lessons 👍 ⬇️ D Susanne redt immer no mit de Tina und luegt d Chochsändig. Susanne still speaks with Tina and watches the cooking show. Plötzlich fangt d Brotpfanne Füür. Suddenly, the frying pan catches fire. Was bränntelet so? What smells so burnt? Oh Nei, Nei, es Füür! No! No! Fire! Ich ha vergässe de Chochhärd abzschtelle. I forgot to turn off the stove. Es Füür? Was? Fire? What? Wie chasch du nur so vergässlich sii? How can you be so forgetfull? Isch es es grosses Füür? Is it a big fire? Nonig … Not yet, ... Goal of the lesson:
❤️ Audio ❤️ Video ⬇️ 🔥 Live lessons every Monday 🔥 ⬇️ Gnüssed öii Ferie. Enjoy your holidays. Mir wärded si sicher gnüsse. We will enjoy it. Mir sind i zwöi Wuche wider dehei. We'll be home in two weeks. Passed uf öich uuf. Take care. Chönd ir üs bitte aalüüte, wenn ir aachömed? Can you call us when you arrive, please? Sicher! Sure! Gnüssed öii Reis. Enjoy your trip. Ich bi so enttüscht. I am so disappointed. Ich au. Me too. D Wätterprognose säged vorhär, dass es no zwöi Wuche lang wird rägne. The weather forecast says it will rain for the next two weeks. Das cha nid wohr sii. That can’t be true. Es isch nur nass und chalt. It's just wet and cold. Vile Dank für alles. Thank you for everything. Ir hend nüüt z danke. You don’t have to thank us. Schön, dass ir sind cho. It’s nice that you both came. Chömed doch einisch zu üs i d Schwiiz. Come to see us in Switzerland one day. Das wär grossartig. That would be great. Uf Widerlugege. Bye. Mir sind scho wider zrugg. We're back already. Hallo zäme. Das isch denn e-n-Überraschig! Hello everyone. Well this is a surprize! Hend ir öii Ferie nid gnosse? Didn’t you enjoy your vacation? Doch, mir hend si scho gnosse. Yes, we enjoyed it. In our next VIP live lesson we will practice the question "Did you have a nice day?" in Swiss German ❤️ 30 day free trial ❤️ Audio and Video 🔥 Live lessons 🔥 ⬇️ chatting in Swiss German for volunteers ⬇️ Hesch e schöne Tag gha? Did you have a nice day? Ja, es isch e tolle Tag gsi. Yes, it was a great day. Mir hend mit Fründe zäme grilliert. We had a great barbecue with friends together. S Ässe isch uusgezeichnet gsi. The food was excellent. S Wätter isch wunderbar gsi. The weather was wonderful. Es isch chli heiß gsi. It was a bit hot. Aber es isch nid so schlimm gsi. But it wasn't too bad. |
January 2023