Are you an avid Black Friday shopper? Do you prefer in store or online shopping? In our Monday live lesson you will learn:
Also there are more and more students practicing in small groups on Zoom after the live lesson. Feel free to join us. Practice makes perfect. Was für e Tag he-mer hüt? What day is it today? Es isch scho Friitig. It's already Friday. I-mene Monet isch Wiehnachte! Christmas is coming next month. Mir münd Wiehnachtsgschänkli chaufe. Cows: We must buy presents. OK. Denn gö-mer go lädele. Farmer: So let's go shopping.
In our Monday 8 PM live lesson we will focus on the following phrases:
Anna: Mir isch langwiilig.
Anna: I'm bored. Was sölle-mer hüt mache? What shall we do today? David: Hesch e-n-Idee? David: Do you have any ideas? Anna: Ich möcht wider einisch öppis uufregends mache. Anna: I would like to do something exciting once again. Here is the introduction to our Monday 8 PM lesson for our members Goal of the lesson:
Schef: Guete Morge Frau Rohner. Mir hend hüt vil z tue. Boss: Good Morning Mrs Rohner. We have a lot of work today. Schef: Mir sind so beschäftiget. Boss: We're so busy. Schef: Morn isch üsi grossi Pressekonferänz. Boss: Tomorrow is our big press conference. Sekretärin: Jo, jo. Ich foh jetz de grad aa. Secretary: Yes, yes. I'll start soon. Sekretärin: Ich ha im Momänt no kei Ziit. Secretary: At the moment I don't have any time yet. To get more videos, audio and live lessons with me become a member here You can also get a German version of the lessons here |
January 2023