Monday 8 PM Swiss German Course
45 CHF per month
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←extra audio and video lessons in the member area |
- First part: my presentation where you can ask questions in the chat
- After my presentation at 20:30 you can join small group speaking practice on Zoom ( for volunteers)
- if you miss the lesson you can always watch it again in the member area
Example of our lesson
Before every Monday 8 PM lesson students can see the audio recordings with short dialogues in the member area
- during the live lesson, you are free to join our chat or just listen and watch
- after my presentation, the volunteers can join speaking practice in small groups on Zoom
Practicing sentences with es bizeli ( a little bit) and e huufe ( a lot)
Alles isch relativ: es bizeli oder e huufe?
S Grossmami redt mit irem Änkel.
Granny speaks to her grandson.
Grossmami: Hesch Hunger, wottsch öppis ässe?
Granny: Are you hungry, do you want to eat something?
Änkel: Jo, aber nur es bizeli.
Grandson: Yeah but only a little bit.
Guet, ich hole dir öppis Chlises.
Granny: Good, I'll bring you something small.
Änkel: Ok, merci Grosi, du bisch di Bescht.
Grandson: OK. Thanks Grandma, you're the best.
S Grossmami redt mit irem Änkel.
Granny speaks to her grandson.
Grossmami: Hesch Hunger, wottsch öppis ässe?
Granny: Are you hungry, do you want to eat something?
Änkel: Jo, aber nur es bizeli.
Grandson: Yeah but only a little bit.
Guet, ich hole dir öppis Chlises.
Granny: Good, I'll bring you something small.
Änkel: Ok, merci Grosi, du bisch di Bescht.
Grandson: OK. Thanks Grandma, you're the best.
Grossmami: ....s Ässe chunt....
Granny: ... Food is coming...
Änkel: Potzblitz, das isch aber e huufe!
Grandson: Jumping catfish, that's a lot!
Grossmami: Nei, das isch nur es bizeli, iss, ...
Granny: That's only a little bit, eat ...
... du muesch gross und schtarch wärde.
... you have to become big and strong.
Grossmami: Möchtisch no öppis Süesses?
Granny: Would you still like something sweet?
Änkel: Mm, ok, ich ha zwar scho so vil gässe, ...
Grandson: I have eaten a lot though. ...
... aber nur es bitzli, gäll?
... But maybe just a little bit, right?
Grossmami: Jo, jo, sicher nur es birebizeli.
Granny: Yeah yeah just a wee bit. Dessert chunt...
Granny: ..the dessert is coming...
Änkel: Aber Grosi, das isch doch e huufe!
Grandson: But Granny, that's really a lot!
Grossmami:. Ne-nei, das isch nur es bizeli, iss, ...
Granny: No no, it's only a wee bit,
... du muesch gross und starch wärde.
... you have to be big and strong.
Änkel: Das isch es bizli z vil für mich.
Grandson: That's just a little bit too much for me.
Grossmami:. Nimmsch no e Schümli-Pflümli?
Granny: Do you want some whipped cream coffee with Schnaps?
Änkel: Nei, merci, ha scho e huufe gha.
Grandson: No thank you, I really had a lot.
Grossmami: Wi du möchtisch.
Granny: As you wish.
Granny: ..the dessert is coming...
Änkel: Aber Grosi, das isch doch e huufe!
Grandson: But Granny, that's really a lot!
Grossmami:. Ne-nei, das isch nur es bizeli, iss, ...
Granny: No no, it's only a wee bit,
... du muesch gross und starch wärde.
... you have to be big and strong.
Änkel: Das isch es bizli z vil für mich.
Grandson: That's just a little bit too much for me.
Grossmami:. Nimmsch no e Schümli-Pflümli?
Granny: Do you want some whipped cream coffee with Schnaps?
Änkel: Nei, merci, ha scho e huufe gha.
Grandson: No thank you, I really had a lot.
Grossmami: Wi du möchtisch.
Granny: As you wish.
Änkel: Ich ha e huufe Arbet.
Granny: I have a lot of work.
Grossmami: Chasch du mir hälfe, bitte?
Granny: Can you please help me?
Änkel: Ok, ich hälfe gern, aber ich ha nur wenig Ziit.
Grandson: Ok, I'll help with pleasure. I have a bit of time.
Granny: I have a lot of work.
Grossmami: Chasch du mir hälfe, bitte?
Granny: Can you please help me?
Änkel: Ok, ich hälfe gern, aber ich ha nur wenig Ziit.
Grandson: Ok, I'll help with pleasure. I have a bit of time.
The actual presentation lasts 30 minutes; the second part is speaking in small groups on Zoom.
In the lesson above, the goal of the class was to talk about sentences with the phrase "a lot" and "a little bit"
I always recommend watching the lesson and listen to the dialogues again in the member area. You can ask me additional questions there too.
In the lesson above, the goal of the class was to talk about sentences with the phrase "a lot" and "a little bit"
I always recommend watching the lesson and listen to the dialogues again in the member area. You can ask me additional questions there too.
During our live lesson you can ask questions in the chat or just focus on my presentation.
In case you miss the lesson you can see it in the member area.
In case you miss the lesson you can see it in the member area.
Next live lesson in
In our next lesson you will learn:
- to say "which one " and "I told you" in Swiss German
- the volunteers can speak Swiss German in small groups on Zoom after my presentation
45 CHF per month
CHF 45
live stream every Monday at 8 pm
extra videos
extra audio lessons
speaking practice for volunteers in small groups on Zoom after my presentation