🇨🇭 Our next lesson for members 🇨🇭 Oh nei, es tropfet vo de Decki! Oh no, the ceiling is dripping! Nid scho wider. Not again. Das isch scho s zwöite Mal. This is the second time. Isch das scho wider e Rohrbruch? Is that another burst pipe? Ich mues wider em Sanitärinschtalatör aalüüte. I have to call the plumber again. Ich liebe dütschi Autobahne. I love german motorways. Do cha-mer schnäll fahre. Here one can drive fast. Ich bi kei Raser. I’m not a speeder. Our next Monday lesson is ready. Here is just a short introduction. The main goal of our lesson will be:
Members get 🇨🇭4 dialouges with audio 🇨🇭 ⬇️ every Monday new lesson ⬇️ Guete Morge! Good morning! Bisch uusgschlofe? Are you well rested? Jo. Ich ha guet gschlofe. Yes. I slept welll. Was hesch hüt vor? What are you up to today? Kei Ahnig. I have no idea. Wö-mer öppis zäme mache? Shall we do something together? Klar. Chum mir gönd go wandere. Of course. Let’s go hiking. In our next VIP Monday live lesson we will talk about "schnädere" Try my VIP Monday course to practice more First 30 day free, then 45 swiss francs per month cancel any time Merci für dini Iidladig. Thanks for your invitation. Das isch e super Idee gsi. That was a great idea. Ändlich chö-mer wider i Rueh einisch schnädere. Finally we can chat in peace once again. Jo. Ich ha s au scho vermisst. Yes. I also missed it. Das isch guet für miis Schwiizertütsch. This is good for my Swiss German. |
January 2023