Here is the introduction to our next Monday lesson. 😀 Audio and Video for members😀
⬇️ Live lessons ⬇️ Magsch di no a Bär erinnere? Do you remember the bear? Er isch so nöch gsi. He was so close. Zum Glück si-mer mit heiler Huut devo cho. Luckily, we managed to escape. (to save one’s bacon) Mir hend Glück gha. We were lucky. Introduction to our VIP Monday lesson. We will focus on using the phrase: "I have had enough" ⬇️ See you on Monday at 8 PM ⬇️ ![]() Hey, weisch wo mine Maa isch? Hey, do you know where my husband is? Jo natürlich weiss-i das. Yes of course, I know. Wahrschiinlich luegt er Fuessball mit miim Maa. He's probably watching football with my husband. Oh jo. Si chömed wider schpot hei. Oh, yes. They'll come back home late again. Ich ha gnueg vo de WM. I've had enough of the world championship. Ich ha au gnueg devo. I've had enough of it too. De Samichlaus isch cho! Saint Nicolas has come! Möchtisch au cho? Would you like to come to? Ich chume gärn. I’d like to come. Wenn chunsch du? When are you coming? Er chunt bald. He comes soon. Mir chömed schpöter. We are coming later. Chömed ir au? Are you coming too? Si chömed sicher nid. They surely will not come. Chum doch ine! Come inside! ❤️ Every Monday new lesson ❤️ ⬇️ Audio and videos ⬇️ |
January 2023