In our next live lesson we will be talking about Swiss National Day 🇨🇭 Try my course for 30 days 🇨🇭 🔥 live lessons 🔥 💖 chat 💖 😊 speaking for volunteers 😊 E Gruppe vo Fründe sitzt zäme. A group of friends sits together. Si diskutiered über iri Plän am Erschte Auguscht. They discuss what they plan to do on the first of August. Hey, Sarah, was hesch am Erschte Auguscht vor? Hey Sara, what are your plans for the first of August? Ich goh mit minere Familie uf Interlake. I'm going to Interlaken with my family. Was mached ir det? What are you doing there? Am Morgen gö-mer uf e Buurehof go bröntsche. In the morning we go to brunch on a farm. Und am Obig, gö-mer is Theater. And in the evening, we are going to the theater. Mir gönd de “Willhelm Tell” go luege. We are going to see "Wilhelm Tell". Das tönt guet. That sounds good. Gnüssed s! Enjoy it! In our next live lesson we will be talking about wishes, gifts... 🇨🇭 Try my course for 30 days 🇨🇭 🔥 live lessons 🔥 💖 chat 💖 😊 speaking for volunteers 😊 De Grossvater Ralf lüüted siim Änkel Tobias aa. De Tobias het bald Geburtstag. Grandpa Ralf calls his grandson Tobias. Tobias' birthday is coming up. Hoi Tobias, du hesch i zwöi Wuche Geburtstag. Hello Tobias, your birthday is in two weeks. Genau. Exactly. Hesch e Wunsch? Do you have a wish? Jo. Ich möcht gärn Lego übercho. Yes, I would like to get Lego. Würklich? Really? Jo. Mit Lego cha-mer so vil Sache baue. Yes. You can build so many things with Lego. Mötisch vilicht öppis anders? Do you want maybe something else? Nei, Ich wott nur Lego. No, I only want Lego. Wenn du Lego wottsch, denn söllsch si au übercho. If you want Lego, then you should get it. Danke, Grosspapi! Du bisch de bescht. Thanks, grandpa! You are the best.
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Gö-mer a Schtrand go sünnele?
Shall we go sunbathing to the beach? Mir sind so bleich. We are so pale. Du hesch rächt, mir sind z vil dinne. You’re right. We are too much inside. Mir münd profitiere … We have to take the chance … … und i de Ferie vil use goh. … and often go outside in the holidays. Jo. Ich bi sehr gärn dusse. Yes. I very much like to be outside. Aber du muesch s nid übertriibe i dere Sunne. But you don’t have to overdo it in this sun. Chum, ich tue di iicremele. Come, I put lotion on you. Goal of the lesson:
Zwöi Gschäftsmänner uf em Heiwäg z Züri. Es isch sehr heiss, Si sind müed. 2 businessmen on their way home in Zurich, it's very hot, the men are tired Es isch so furchtbar heiss hüt. It's so awfully hot today. Oh jo. Es isch so heiss, ich schwitze wie-n-e Sau. Oh yes. It is so hot. I'm sweating like a pig. Und ich ersch! D Klimaalag im Büro isch au nid gange. Me too and the air conditioning in the office didn't work either. Jo, für mich isch es scho schwirig, richtig z schnuufe. Yeah, it's really hard for me to breathe. Es isch so schwül. It's so humid. Es isch so heiss, ich bruche e chalti Duschi. It's so hot, I need a cold shower. Du hesch rächt. Es isch eifach z heiss. You're right. It's just too hot. Was macht denn dä Maa do? What is that man doing there? Mir münd de Polizei aalüüte. We have to call the police. Das ghört sich nid. It's not proper. Si münd niemerem aalüüte. You don't have to call anyone. Er het eifach nur heiss und er bruucht e-n-Abchüelig. He's just hot and needs a cool down. Öpper isch i Fluss gumpet, mitsamt de Chleider! Someone jumped in the river with their clothes! Hilfe! Hilfe! Help, help! Öpper mues em hälfe! Someone has to help him. Mir münd de Polizei aalüüte! We have to call the police! Jo, mir münd öpperem aalüüte. Yes, we need to call someone. 🇨🇭 Live lessons every Monday 🇨🇭 ⬇️ Audio, videos... ⬇️ |
January 2023