In our next live lesson we will be talking about Swiss National Day 🇨🇭 Try my course for 30 days 🇨🇭 🔥 live lessons 🔥 💖 chat 💖 😊 speaking for volunteers 😊 E Gruppe vo Fründe sitzt zäme. A group of friends sits together. Si diskutiered über iri Plän am Erschte Auguscht. They discuss what they plan to do on the first of August. Hey, Sarah, was hesch am Erschte Auguscht vor? Hey Sara, what are your plans for the first of August? Ich goh mit minere Familie uf Interlake. I'm going to Interlaken with my family. Was mached ir det? What are you doing there? Am Morgen gö-mer uf e Buurehof go bröntsche. In the morning we go to brunch on a farm. Und am Obig, gö-mer is Theater. And in the evening, we are going to the theater. Mir gönd de “Willhelm Tell” go luege. We are going to see "Wilhelm Tell". Das tönt guet. That sounds good. Gnüssed s! Enjoy it! |
January 2023