es jungs Meitli
a young girl de Mond moon einsam lonely schicke send es Gschänkli gift Es jungs Meitli luegt dur s Färnrohr de Mond aa. A young girl is looking through the telescope at the moon. Si gseht a Maa uf em Mond. She can see a man on the moon. De Maa isch sehr einsam. The man is very lonely. S Meitli schickt em Maa es Gschänkli. The girl sends a gift to the man. Today we will learn how to ask for recommnedations in Swiss German. Imagine you speak fluently German and Swiss German, you ask your friend to recommend a French course for you. Listen to the recording. Listen and repeat
flüssend Dütsch rede fluent German Ich möcht würklich I really want to Wo cha-n-i ... leere? Where can I learn ... Chönd Si ... empfähle? Can you (form.) recommend ... Ich rede flüssend Dütsch. I speak fluent German. Ich läbe z Züri. I live in Zurich. Ich möcht würklich gärn chli Französisch leere. I really want to learn some French. Wo cha-n-i z Züri Französisch leere? Where can I learn French in Zurich? Chönd si mir es guets Französischlehrmittel für Aafänger empfähle? Can you recommend a good French coursebook for beginners?
romantic es Rande-vuu date Sind d Schwiizer romantisch? Are Swiss people romantic? Isch es guet ledig z sii? Is it good to be single? Hesch du vil es Rande-vuu? Do you often go on dates? When hesch s letschte Mol mit diim Maa es Rande-vuu gha? When was the last time you went on a date with your husband? When hesch s letschte Mol mit dinere Frau es Rande-vuu gha? When was the last time you went on a date with your wife? Speed Dating from Meghann Artes on Vimeo.
procrastination (faulenzen) fuul lazy fliissig hardworking luege watch Sind d Schwiizer fliissig? Are Swiss people hardworking? Sind d Schwiizer fuul? Are Swiss people lazy? Bruuchsch du Facebook während de Arbet? Do you use Facebook at work? Luegsch du Youtube während de Arbet? Do you watch Youtube at work?
D Sima chunt us de Slowakei.
Sima is from Slovakia. Ich ha iri Musig gärn. I like her music. Hesch si (d Musig) gärn? Do you like it? Was für Musig losisch? What kind of music do you listen to?
Ich liebe alles, was mit de Schwiiz z tue het.
I love everything about Switzerland. D Schwiizer sind grossartig. Swiss people are so lovely. S schwiizer Ässe isch uusgezeichnet. Swiss food is excellent. Ich möcht Schwiizer/i sii. I want to be Swiss. Ich schaffe fliissig. I work hard. Ich bi guet organisiert. I am well organized. Ich möcht Schwiizer/i wärde. I want to become Swiss. Isch es schwirig gsi für dich, e Schwiizer/i z wärde? Was it hard for you to become a Swiss citizen?
E-n-alte Maa lauft de Schtross entlang.
An old man walks along the road. E Polizischt schtoppt-ne. A police officer stops him. De David holt de alti Maa ab. David picks up the old man. Es isch sine Vater. It is his father. Er heisst Woody. His name is Woody. De Woody wott ei Millione Dollar go abhole. Woody wants to collect a million dollars.
During our online lessons, we sometimes discuss the books we have read. Here is a short, simple review of the audio book I really enjoyed.
I dem Buech goht s um 5 Familiene.
The book is about 5 families. E-n-amerikanischi Familie. American family. E düütschi Familie. German family. E russischi Familie. Russian family. Zwöi walisischi Familiene. Two Welsh families. Es schpilt i de Ziit vom erschte Wältchrieg. It plays in the time of the first world war. Ich liebe das Buech. I absolutely love that book. Hesch das Buech gläse? Did you read this book? Was meinsch du zu dem Buech? What do you think about it?
In this lesson you will learn how to ask question: "What do you think?" in Swiss German.
Europe kei Schtell no job kei Perschpektive no perspectives kei Zuekunft no future Was dänked Si? What do you think? Was dänked Si über d Situation z Öiropa? What do you think about the situation in Europe? Was dänked Si über d Situation i ihrem Land? What do you think about the situation in your country? In this short lesson, we will learn how to speak about money in Swiss German. Most of my students find Switzerland very expensive. Before you decide to come here, the first question should be: "How much do you need to have a decent life in Switzerland?". Another essential question would be the cost of rent which is different in different locations. Also, the cost of insurance and taxes should be taken into consideration. Wivil Gäld bruucht mer zum Überläbe i de Schwiiz? How much money do you need to survive in Switzerland? Isch es möglich mit 2000.- Franke pro Monet z überläbe? Is it possibe to survive on 2000 francs per month? Wivil zahlsch für dini Mieti? How much do you pay for your rent? Wivil zahlsch für d Krankekasse? How much do you pay for the health insurance? Zahled Si Schtüüre? Do you pay taxes? In our next live lesson you will learn
Looking forward to meeting you again and chatting in Swiss German with you.
How to have a conversation in Swiss German? What kind of questions can I ask? A perfect question could be: "Did you watch that film?" Here is a very short and simple summary of a film I really enjoyed watching. The film was film in Switzerland. Zwöi Fründe mached i-mene schwiizer Wellness-Hotel Ferie.
Two friends stay in a Swiss spa for their holidays. De Fred isch e Dirigänt. Fred is a conductor. Er isch pensioniert. He is retired. De Mick isch e Film-Reschissör. Mick is a film director. Beidi beobachted und anlüsiered di komplizierte Läbe vo de Hotel-Gäscht. They both look and analyze complicated lives of the hotel guests. Hesch de Film gseh? Did you watch the film? Hesch ne gärn gha? Did you like it? |
January 2023