Goal of the lesson:
Zwöi Gschäftsmänner uf em Heiwäg z Züri. Es isch sehr heiss, Si sind müed. 2 businessmen on their way home in Zurich, it's very hot, the men are tired Es isch so furchtbar heiss hüt. It's so awfully hot today. Oh jo. Es isch so heiss, ich schwitze wie-n-e Sau. Oh yes. It is so hot. I'm sweating like a pig. Und ich ersch! D Klimaalag im Büro isch au nid gange. Me too and the air conditioning in the office didn't work either. Jo, für mich isch es scho schwirig, richtig z schnuufe. Yeah, it's really hard for me to breathe. Es isch so schwül. It's so humid. Es isch so heiss, ich bruche e chalti Duschi. It's so hot, I need a cold shower. Du hesch rächt. Es isch eifach z heiss. You're right. It's just too hot. Was macht denn dä Maa do? What is that man doing there? Mir münd de Polizei aalüüte. We have to call the police. Das ghört sich nid. It's not proper. Si münd niemerem aalüüte. You don't have to call anyone. Er het eifach nur heiss und er bruucht e-n-Abchüelig. He's just hot and needs a cool down. Öpper isch i Fluss gumpet, mitsamt de Chleider! Someone jumped in the river with their clothes! Hilfe! Hilfe! Help, help! Öpper mues em hälfe! Someone has to help him. Mir münd de Polizei aalüüte! We have to call the police! Jo, mir münd öpperem aalüüte. Yes, we need to call someone. 🇨🇭 Live lessons every Monday 🇨🇭 ⬇️ Audio, videos... ⬇️ |
January 2023