Vocabulary s Fondü fondue s Caklon fondue pan s Röscho fondue heater e Fondügable fondue fork rüere to stir e Chruschte crust de Chnobli garlic de Kirsch cherry schnaps es Schmützeli a small kiss Converstation 1 Chömed doch hüt z Obig zu üs, es git es guets Fondü! Why won't you (all) come to us tonight, we'll have a good fondue! Es Fondü! Das ha-n-i scho lang nümm gha! A fondue! I didn't have this since a long time! Jo gärn. Das isch e tolli Idee. Yes, with pleasure. That's a great idea. Denn bringe-mir de Wii dezue. Then we will bring the wine for it. Conversation 2 Wau, das Fondü isch super! Wow, this fondue tastes great! Das isch keis Fertigfondü, oder? This is not just a ready made fondue, is it? Nei, das ha-n-i i üsere Chäsi gchauft. No, I bought it in our cheese shop. Es isch es Muatie-muatie, halb Greyerzer und halb Vaschrä. It is a moitié-moitié, half Gruyère half Vacherin cheese. Was hesch süsch no dri toh? What else did you put in there? So wie immer, chli Chnobli, Wiisswiii, Maizena und no e Schprutz Kirsch. As usual, a little garlic, white wine, cornstarch and a splash of cherry schnapps. Ah, das isch sicher de Kirsch, wo mer gschpürt. Ah, this must be the cherry schnaps one feels. Conversation 3 So, e Guete mitenand! So, enjoy your meal all together! Und tünd guet rüere, dass es nid e z grossi Chruschte git! And please stir well, that there won't be a big crust! Oje, jetz ha-n-i miis Brotschtückli verlore! Oh dear, now I've lost my piece of bread! Ändlich chum-i es Schmützeli über! Finally I get a small kiss! Nei, das schtimmt nid. No, that's not right. Die Person lings vo dem, wo s Schtückli verlore het, chunt es Schmützeli über. The person sitting to the left of the person, who lost the piece, gets a kiss. Das bi-n-ich! That's me! Immer mit de Rue, ir zwei. Take it easy, you two. Wänn ir wänd, cha-n-i jo beidne es Schmützeli gäh! If you really want, I can give a kiss to both of you. Watch the video now and repeat aloud what you hear. If you want you can try my Monday VIP course. Every Monday we have 4 short dialouges |
January 2023