Here is another story about a guy who couldn't fall asleep. 🇨🇭 Eveery Monday new story 🇨🇭 💕 VIP live chat 💕 ⬇️ previous lessons ⬇️ E schloflosi Nacht A sleepless night Was isch los, Tigerli? What's up, little tiger? Ich cha nid schlofe, Müüsli. I cannot sleep, little mouse. Ich mach der e Whisky mit Milch und Honig, Schätzli. Honey, I am going to make you Whisky with milk and honey. Oh, das wär grossartig! Oh, that would be great! Müüsli, schlofsch scho? Little mouse, are you sleeping? Ich cha immer nonig schlofe. I still can't sleep. Tue doch Schöfli zelle! Count the little sheep! Das hilft au nid, Müüsli! That doesn't work eighter, little mouse! Was du bruuchsch isch es Glas Wasser, Tigerli. What you need is a glass of water. Was tuesch so fägnäschte, Tigerli? Why do you keep tossing and turning, little Tiger? Ich cha immer nonig schlofe. I still can't sleep. Vilicht söttisch go dschogge. Maybe you should go jogging. Es isch scho drü am Morge! It is 3 o'clock in the morning. Ich goh morn go schaffe, Müüsli! I am going to work tomorrow love! Denn tue doch de Rosechranz bätte, Tigerli! Why don't you pray the rosary then, little tiger? Hör uuf fägnäschte! Stop tossing and turning! Und loh mi bitte lo schlofe. And let me sleep, please. Wenigschtens öpper vo üs sött morn fit sii! At least one of us should be fit tomorrow! Was sölled si mache? What should they do? Sött d Frau em Maa mit de Bratpfanne eis uf de Chopf tätsche? Should the woman hit the man with the frying pan? Oder sött si ihm es Drückerli gäh? Or should she give him a hug? |
January 2023