Grüezi, mir sind zwei Erwachseni und drü Chind. Hello, we are two grown-ups and three children. Mir möchted gärn mit em Seil-Bähnli uf de Chäserrugg. We would like to go with the funicular train on the Chäserrugg. Händ Si es Halbtax? Do you have a Halbtax discount? Jo, mir zwei hend es Halbtax und d Chind e Junior Charte. Yes, we have a Halbtax discount and the kids have a junior card. Wie alt sind Iri Chind? How old are your children? Isch de Jüngscht scho sächsi gsi? Is the youngest six already? Nei, er isch ersch vieri. No, he is only four. Guet, denn cha-n-er gratis goh. Good, then he can go for free. Eifach oder Retour? Single or return? Eifach bitte. Single please. Das sind denn 92.-Franke, bitte. This is then 92.- Francs, please. Es het e Mittelschtation, wo Si münd umschtiige. There is a middle station, where you have to change. Mir möchted mit em Sässelilift uf Wildhuus abe. We would like to go down to Wildhaus with the chairlift. Das sind zwöi Sässelilift, Wildhuus isch d Talschtation. These are two chairlifts, Wildhaus is the station in the valley. Si münd i de Mittelstation umschtiige. You have to change in the middle station. Wivil choschtet das für zwei Erwachseni mit Halbtax? How much is this for two grown-ups with Halbtax discount? Mir hend d Juniorcharte für d Chind. We have the junior card discount for the children. Das sind 48.- Franke, bitte. This is 48.- francs, please. Passed Si uf, dass si uf em Sässelilift d Billet nid verlüüred. Take care and don't lose your tickets on the chair lift. Si bruuched si dunde no einisch. You will need them again at the bottom. Wie warm isch es uf de Bärgschtation? How warm is it at the mountain station? Im Momänt isch es det no 18 Grad. At the moment it is still 18 degrees there. Wie sind d Wanderwäg uf em Chäserrugg? How are the hiking paths on the Chäserrugg? Sind si guet passierbar? Are they well passable? Es het schtellewiis no Schnee. There is still snow in some places. Vor zwei Wuche hend einigi Wanderer wider müsse umcheere. Two weeks ago a few hikers had to turn back again. Jetz cha-mer scho über d Schneefälder wandere. Now one can already hike over the snowfields. Mer mues aber vorsichtig sii, dass mer nid uusrutscht! But one has to be careful, that one doesn't slip! Wenn Si Wanderschtöck hend, isch das sicher hilfriich. When you have hiking sticks, that is surely helpful. Isch s Reschtorant i de Mittelschtation hüt offe? Is the restaurant at the middle station open today? Bis wenn fahred d Bähnli? Until what time do the mountain lifts go? |
January 2023