Möchtisch es Kafi?
Would you like some coffee? Es Kafi? Coffee? Kafi isch ungsund. Coffee is unhealthy. Was? Schpinnsch? Das het dir sicher de Stefan gseit, nid? What? Are you crazy? That's what Stefan told you, isn't it? Möchtisch chli Zucker is Tee? Would you like some sugar in the tea? Zucker? Nei, sicher nid. Das isch so ungsund! Sugar? No, of course not. This is so unhealthy! Wäge dem Bitzeli Zucker muesch jetz würklich kei Panik übercho! Because of this little bit of sugar, you really don't have to panic! Möchtisch no chli Salz? Would you like some salt? Salz? Das isch ungsund! Salt? This is unhealthy! Genau drum chasch säber salze so vil wie d wotsch. That's right. That's why you can salt (your dinner) yourself as much as you want. Ich nime gärn e chli. De Gschmack isch sofort vil besser. I personally like to take some. The taste is often a lot better. Möchtisch no chli Pfäffer? Would you like some pepper? Pfäffer? Nei, uf kei Fall. Pepper? No, definitely not. Ich ha-n-e heikle Maage. I have a sensitive stomach. Möchtisch es Schtückli Fleisch? Would you like a piece of meat? Fleisch? Das isch ungsund! Meat? That's unhealthy! Nei, das nid. Das chunt vom Biobuur. Das isch bsunders guet! No, this one not. It comes from the ecological gardener. This is particularly good. Das chasch es mit guetem Gwüsse ässe. You can eat it with a good consciousness. |
January 2023