Have you ever been in this sticky situation, where you had to explain your way out of it? Sometimes we find ourselves to be at a wrong place at a wrong time.It’s good to know some useful questions that can help you identify the situation a bit better. In today’s lesson you will learn:
Guete Morge, Herr Mässerli. Good morning, sir. Guete Morge. Good morning. Ich ha-n-es Paar Froge a Si. I have a few questions for you. Guet, schüssed Si los! OK, go ahead. (”fire away”) Was isch genau passiert? What happened exactly? Um weli Ziit isch das gnau gsi? What time was this exactly? Das isch am Obig si, öppe am Viertel vor Sächsi. This was in the evening at about a quarter to six. Wo isch das passiert? Where did this happen? Und wie isch es wiiter gange? And how did it go on? Di jungi Frau het Angscht gha. The young woman was scared. Was hend Si gmacht? And what did you do? Was hend si denn gmacht? What did you do then? Schlussändlich ha-n-i de Polizei aaglüüte. Finally, I called the police. Di jungi Frau isch i Sicherheit gsi. The girl was safe. |
January 2023