❤️ Audio and video ❤️ Live lessons every Monday 8 PM ⬇️ 30 day free trial ⬇️ Es isch scho chli schpot. It is a little bit late. E Maa cha nid schlofe. A man can't sleep. S Liecht schiint so hell i miis Zimmer. The light is so bright in my room. Was chönnti das sii? What could that be? Was mached d Nochbere um die Ziit? What is the neighbor doing at this time? Mir hend e chliini Notiz übercho. We received a small note. Was chönnti das sii? What could that be? Ich weiss nid. I don't know. Dänksch, dass s Cherzli z hell schiint? Do you think the candle shines too bright? Nei, das isch sicher i-n-Ornig. No, that’s surely ok. Wär chönnti das ächt sii? I'm just wondering who that could be. Ich hoffe, das Liecht schtört ne nümm. I hope this light doesn't bother him anymore. Lueg, mir hend wider Poscht. Look, we have post again. Was chönnti das sii? What could that be? E Brief. Ich mache ne uuf. A letter. I will open it. Was isch dinne? What is inside? |
January 2023