I de Virtuelle Realität
In virtual reality Du hesch sicher scho ghört, wie das isch, wenn mer i-n-e virtuelli Realität iitoucht. Surely you have already heard how it is when you dive into virtual reality. Ich ha das jetz ändlich wölle am eigete Liib erfahre. Now I finally wanted to experience that myself. Bevor mer i Ruum ine goht, mues mer sich e schpezielli Brülle uufsetze. Before you go into the room, you have to put on special glasses. A dem Ort, wo-n-ich gsi bi, het mer au Sensore a d Händ und d Füess übercho. In this place, we also got sensors for our hands and feet. Also taucht mer mit em ganze Körper i die virtuelli Realität ii. So you dive into this virtual reality with your whole body. Wo-n-i mich mit minere Brülle aagluegt ha, ha-n-mi im Aschtronaute-Aazug gseh. When I looked at me with my special glasses, I saw myself in an astronaut suit. Au mini Tochter und mine Änkel hend sich i Aschtronaute verwandlet. My daughter and my grandson were changed into astronauts too. Plötzlich si-mer uf emene andere Planet gsi und hend det müsse e Schatz finde. Suddenly we were on another planet and had to find a treasure there. Underwägs het s e Muur gha und hinder de Muur isch es 100m wiit abe gange. On the way, there was a wall and behind that wall, it went down for about 100m. Denn si-mer wie uf enere Krete gloffe. Then we walked on a mountain ridge. Dä Wäg isch so realistisch gsi. This way was so realistic. Mer het Angscht, dass mer abe gheit, wenn mer e Schritt näbe de Wäg macht. One was afraid, that one falls down when one makes a step next to the path. Theoretisch weiss mer natürlich, dass mer sicher isch und dass näbe dra eifach e Teppich isch. Theoretically one knows, of course, that one is secure and that next to the path is just a carpet. Das het aber mini Gfühl nid beruigt. But this didn’t calm my feelings. Realität und Virtualität isch so vermischt. Reality and Virtuality were so mixed. Im Ruum het s es reells Brätt gha. In this room was a real board. Also het mini Tochter s Brätt gnoh und über de Abgrund gleit, dass mir chönd über s Brätt uf di anderi Siite laufe. So my daughter took it and put it across a huge abyss, in order for us to go over the board to the other side. So he-mer schlussändlich de Schatz gfunde. So we finally found the treasure. Underwägs he-mer e-n-ächte Chrueg gha. On the way, we got a real jug. Und denn he-mer Wasser us em Jungbrunne gschöpft. And then we scooped water out of a fountain of youth. Das Wasser isch virtuell gsi, aber mer het gseh, wie s im Chrueg inne isch. The water was virtual, but one could see, how it is in the jug. Mini Tochter isch scho einisch mit irne Kolleginne für es Tiimbildigs-Event det gsi. My daughter already was there with her colleagues from work for a teambuilding event. Si het das super gfunde. She thought it was great. Das mol isch si d Scheffin gsi und het üs gfühert. This time she was the boss and lead us. Wenn mer aber z vil falsch macht und nid weiss, was mer mues mache, denn chunt mer Aawiisige vo-mene Techniker über. But when one does too many things wrong and doesn’t know what to do, then one gets instructions from a technician. Er mues üs i dere virtuelle Wält beobachtet ha. He must have observed us from somewhere in our virtual world. Einisch het mini Tochter öppis falsch gmacht. Once my daughter made something wrong. Si het e Fackle i de Hand gha und de Techniker het ire Inschtruktione gäh, wie mer die cha aazünde. She had a torch in her hand and the technician gave her instructions, how to enlight it. Es git sicher Lüüt, wo mängisch verwirrt sind i dere Wält. There are certain people, who are sometimes confused in this world. Oder es git Lüüt, wo entgäge de Aawiisige de Wäg verlönd und denn plötzlich i-n-e Wand ine laufed. Or there are people who leave the path in contrary to the instructions and suddenly they walk into a wall. Ich ha das Erläbnis als sehr uufregend empfunde. I found this experience very exciting. Es isch für mich scho immer schwirig gsi, am Abgrund z laufe. For me it was always difficult to walk along an abyss. Und das isch virtuell au nid andersch gsi. This didn’t change just because it was virtual. Au wenn i theoretisch gwüsst ha, dass es e virtuelli Realität isch. Even though I knew theoretically that this was just a virtual reality. |
January 2023