Today we will talk about the verb "should" in Swiss German. Was söll i mache? ich söll I should du söllsch you should er söll he should si söll she should mir söled we should ir söled you should si söled they should D Chind vo mine Nochbere sind sehr luut. My neighbors' kids are very loud. Si schpiled di ganz Ziit im Garte. They play in the garden all the time. Si schreied, si schpiled. They shout, they play. Wiso schpiled si nid eifach mit irne Händys und sind ruig? Why don’t they just play with their phones and keep quiet? Söll i de Polizei aalüüte? Should I call the police? Söll i mit mine Nochtere rede? Should I talk to the neighbors? Söll i eifach e Notitz schriibe und si i ire Briefchaschte rüere? Should I write a note for them and throw it in their letterbox? Was söll i mache? What should I do? De Paul het gseit ich söll Oropax i d Ohre tue. Paul said I should put earplugs in my ears. D Susann het gseit ich söll nid so zimperlich si und de Chind ire Schpass gönne. Suzanne said I should not be so fussy about the kids having fun. S Nochbers hend gseit, dass iri Chind s Rächt hend Chind z sii. The neighbors said, that their children have the right to be children. Wenn mir das nid passi, söll i uf de Mond go wohne. When this doesn’t suit me, I should go and live on the moon. De Herr Dokter het gseit, ich söll mit ine go schpile. The doctor said I should go and play with them. Das würd mir guet tue. This would do me good. Mine Sohn het gseit, ich chöni jo uf de Fridhof go wohne, wenn mir s Läbe z luut sig. My son said I could go and live on the graveyard when life is too loud for me. Mini Tochter het gseit, ich söll si froge, öb si nid chönnted e Schtund lang chli ruiger sii, wenn ich miis Mittagsschlöfli mache. My daughter said I shall ask them whether they could be a bit quieter for an hour when I have my afternoon nap. Uf jede Fall isch es wichtig, dass mer ruig mitenand redt und endand zuelost. In any case it’s important, that one talks quietly with each other and listens to each other. |
January 2023