Useful vocabulary and phrases Ferie verbringe, verbrocht to spend holidays, spent öpper träffe, troffe to meet somebody, met E Schtadt besichtige to visit a city (sightseeing) renomiert renowned berühemt famous es beschtoht us it consists of ähnlich wie similar to gliiche, gliche to resemble, resembled Mini Frau und ich sind für es langs Wuchenänd uf Stockholm gange. My wife and I went to Stockholm for a long weekend. Mir hend det mine Schwigervater und mini Schwigermueter troffe. There we met my father and mother in law. Si hend iri Ferie z Schwede verbrocht. They spent their holidays in Sweden. Mir hend während vier Täg di schwedischi Hauptschtadt besichtiget. And we visited the Swedish capital 4 days. (we went sightseeing) D Schtadt gliicht Züri. The city is similar to Zurich. Z Stockholm het s sehr vil Muse-e. In Stockholm there are a lot of museums. Mir sind öppe vier oder füüf Muse-e go aaluege. We went to see four or five museums. Was het dir am beschte gfalle? What did you like the most? Es git es renomierts Foto-Museum, wo grossartig isch gsi! There is a renowned Photo museum, which was great! S Abba-Museum isch au sehr guet gsi. The ABBA museum was also very good. Denn het s es Museum über es berüehmts Schiff, wo versunke isch. Then there is a whole museum about a famous ship, which sank. Stockholm isch sehr e ruigi und suuberi Schtadt, so wie Züri. Stockholm is a very quiet and clean town like Zurich. Es het es grosses Operehuus, schöni Monumänt und farbigi Geböide. It has a big opera house, beautiful monuments, and colorful buildings. Stockholm liit nid diräkt am Meer, es isch es Archipel, wo us 14 Insle beschtoht und drum het s det au vil Brugge. Stockholm lies not directly at the sea, it is an archipelago, which is made of 14 islands and therefore there are a lot of bridges too. Schwedisch isch sehr ähnlich wie Dütsch. Swedish is very similar to German. Wenn i schwedisch läse, denn verschtoh-n-i rächt vil. When I read Swedish, then I understand quite a lot. Alles in Allem he-mer e wunderbari Ziit gha mitenand und Stockholm het üs sehr guet gfalle. All in all we had a very good time together and we liked Stockholm a lot. |
January 2023