Today we will talk about architecture in Switzerland. How can we preserve our unique culture and heritage? D Landschaft vo de Schwiiz isch wunderschön. Swiss landscape is very beautiful. Ich liebe d Natur i de Schwiiz. I love Swiss nature. Ich liebe d Bärge. I love the mountains. Jede hätti gärn siis Eifamiliehuus uf em Land. Every one would like to have his house in the countryside. Üsi Bevölkerig wachst schtändig. Our population is constantly growing. Mir bruuched meh Wohnige. We need more flats. Es git e grossi Nochfrog noch Wohnruum. There is a huge demands for living space. Mir bruuched aber au meh Erholigsruum. But we need more recreation areas too. Vil Ort verlüüred ire ländlichi Charakter. Many places lose it's rural character. Vil Lüüt hend die Entwicklig nid gärn. Many people don't like this trend. Di traditionellei schwiizer Architektur isch einzigartig. Traditional Swiss architecture is unique. Ich finde si sich sehr schön. I think it is very beautiful. D Schwiizer sind gueti Designer. Swiss people are very good at designing. Doch einigi Lüüt dänked, dass mir d Landschaft z fescht verbaued. However, some people think we spoil the landscape by building too much. Was dänksch du? What do you think? Was dänksch über d schwiizer Landschaft? What do you think of Swiss landscape? Glaubsch du, dass i de Schwiiz z vil bauet wird? Do you think we build too much in Switzerland? Bisch du für d Zersideligsiniziative? Are you for the initiative against urban sprawl? Wie würdisch du s Problem mit de grosse Nochfrog noch erforderlichem Wohnruum löse? How would you solve the problem with the high demand for affordable flats? Glaubsch du, dass mir öppis chönd verändere? Do you think we can change something? Sölled mer nur no verdichtet baue? Shall we only build more dense? |
January 2023