Hey, chum cho luege! Hi, come to look! D Kathrin het wider e Livestream! Kathrin has a livestream again! Ich chume grad. I'll come in a moment. Ich goh nume zersch no go s Fenschter zuemache. I'll go first to close the window. Loh doch das Fenschter lo si, es isch jo warm dusse. Leave that widow, it's warm outside. Süsch verpassisch no de Livestream. Otherwise you'll miss the livestream. S erschte Verb: cho First verb: come Mir chömed grad vom Schaffe. We come from work. Chum üs doch am Sächsi cho bsueche! Come at six to visit us! D Jolanda chunt au. D Jolanda comes also. Cha mine Maa au cho? Can my husband come also? Jo klar, keis Problem. Yes of course, no problem. Ich mues würklich einisch öii nöi Wohnig cho aaluege. I really need to come to see your new flat. Jo. Mir wohned scho es halbs Johr do und du bisch üs no nie cho bsueche. Yes. We live here since a half year and you never came to visit us. Das isch e Schand! What a disgrace! S zwöite Verb: goh Second verb: to go Lueg, d Chind gönd wider i d Schuel. Look, the kids go to school again. Si gönd sicher gärn wider use iri Fründe go träffe. They surely like to go outside again to meet their friends. Jo. Jetz chö-mer au wider go chlättere. Yes. Now we can also go climbing again. ... und is Reschtorant eis go zieh. ... and to the restaurant to drink something. Wär wott am Wuchenänd mit mir go Velofahre? Who wants go cycling with me on the weekend? Chömed, mir gönd doch alli zäme go velofahre. Come, let's go cycling together. Und zum Zmittag gö-mer zäme is Reschtorant go ässe. And for dinner we'll all go to a restaurant to eat. S dritte Verb: loh Third verb: leave, let Hey wie läbsch? Hi, how do you live? Loh mi lo sii. Leave me alone. Was isch dir über d Läbere gchroche? What's up? (What has crawled over your liver?) Ich ha miis Bluet lo teschte und jetz wart-i uf s Ergäbnis. I had my blood tested and now I wait for the result. Ich ha Angscht, dass i d Quarantäne mues goh. I'm afraid, that I'll have to go to a quarantine. Das isch nid so schlimm. Du muesch dir eifach vo andere lo hälfe. This is not so bad. You just have to let others help you. |
January 2023