In today's lesson we will practice Swiss German pronunciation. CH ch Chum cho Chriesi ässe. Come to eat cherries. Oh, ich liebe Chriesi. Oh, I love cherries. Vokalisierts L Mir gfalled alli Brüllene, aber weli söll i chaufe? I like all the glasses, but which one shall I buy? Er schpilt schnäll, gäll? He plays fast, doesn't he? SCHT/ SCHP Das isch jo fascht e Palascht! Oh, this is nearly a palace! Noch em Fäscht goh-n-i is Näscht. After the party I go to the nest (bed). Ich ha-n-e schpezielle Gruess us Vischp für dich. I have special greatings from Visp for you. R Tuesch gärn roti Rande rüschte? Do you like to prepare (peel) red beets? Nei ich rüschte lieber Öpfel. No, I prefer to prepare Apples. ie Ich ässe lieber die liechte Rüebli als es schwärs Fondü. I prefer to eat light carrots than a heavy fondu. ue De Ueli luegt i Himmel ue. Lueg! Es chunnt cho rägne! Ueli looks up into the sky. Look! It's going to rain! Das Buech lis-i lieber als dä Roman. I prefer to read this book than reading this novel. üe Mine Brüeder üebt, jede Tag. My brother exercises every day. Er üebt Klavier schpile, Aber ich bi scho müed. He exercises to play the piano, but I'm already tired. Ich ha gnueg. I have enough. Z De Züri Zoo cha nid zaubere. The Zoo in Zurich can't do magic. Aber s nöie Gheg für d Zebra isch zauberhaft schön. But the new enclosure for the zebras is "magically" beautifull. D Zitrone zitteret zur Ziit. The lemon shivers at the moment. Und si möcht uf Züri zum Zucker zrugg. And would like to go back to the sugar to Zurich. D Zitrone ohni Zucker isch z suur. The lemon without sugar is too sour. H De Hoteldiräkter het am Hafe es grosses Huus gchauft. The hotel director bought a big house at the port. Ich ha kei Hoffnig, je am Hafe chönne es Huus z chaufe. I don't have the hope to ever buy a house at the port. Hoteldiräkter hend halt eifach vil meh Schtütz. Hoteldirectors just have a lot more money (slang). |
January 2023