Seckle is a verb for running. It is mainly used in the Bern area. In Zürich it is not very nice to use, it has more of a negative touch to it. Conversation 1 Hej, was üsi Ching eis möge umeseckle! Ig wär scho lang kao! Hey, I am amazed how much energy to run around our children have! I would be dead tired long ago. Conversation 2 Säg nid, dass du das Picknick wäge dene chliine Wöuchli abblasisch! Don't say you're gonna blow off the picknick because of these little clouds! Jetz bi-n-ig vo Pontius zu Pilatus gsecklet zum aues organisiere. Now, that I have been running from Pontius to Pilate to organise everything. Das chasch auso nid mache! Well, you can't do that! Conversation 3 Er träniert de viu. I begägne-n-em gäng, wenn er geit ga seckle! He is training a lot. I always meet him when he goes running! Conversation 4 Chunsch mit mir cho seckle! Es isch so schön dusse u i möcht fit wärde für de Summer. Come running with me! It's so beautiful outside and I would like to become fit for the summer. |
January 2023