Here is a short story from my student who has to make a very important decision: to live and work in Switzerland with his family or stay in the US. Ich ha-n-es Dilemma. I have a dilemma. Ich ha verschideni Schtelle-aagebot. I have different job offers. Eis isch e Schtell i de Schwiiz. One is a job in Switzerland. Di andere sind verschideni Aagebot i de USA. The other one is different offers in the USA. Mine Entscheid wird s Läbe vo üsere Familie verändere. My decision will change the life of our family. Mini Frau und ich hend 4 Chind im Alter vo 8, 11, 13 und 15 Johr. My wife and I have 4 children at the age of 8, 11, 13 and 15 years. Mir sind sehr abentüürlich und entdecked gärn nöii Länder. We are very adventurous and like to discover new countries. Ich ha früener scho einisch i de Schwiiz gläbt. I already used to live in Switzerland. Es het mir sehr guet gfalle. I liked it a lot. S Problem isch, dass mer i de Schwiiz niemer könned. The problem is, that we don’t know anybody in Switzerland. Mini Schwigereltere wohned au z Amerika. My parents in law live in America too. Si erfröied sich gueter Gsundheit, aber si sind scho 80i. They enjoy good health, but they are already 80 years old. Mir mached üs also Sorge um iri Zuekunft. So we worry about their future. Mir möchted si nid eifach i-n-es Altersheim abschiebe. We wouldn’t like to shove them off in an old people’s home. Usserdem isch d Schwiiz sehr tüür und als Eleiverdiener mit vier Chind isch es vilicht nid eifach, det z läbe. Besides Switzerland is very expensive and as a sole wage earner with four children maybe it isn’t easy to live there. Was dänksch du? What do you think? Sölle-mer i d Schwiiz go wohne? Should we go to Switzerland? Oder sölle-mer i de USA bliibe? Should we stay in the US? Key vocabulary and phrases to remember:Vocabulary: s Dilemma dilemma s Schtelle-aagebot job offer de Entscheid decision früener earlier könne to know sich gueter Gsundheit erfröie to enjoy good health sich Sorge mache to worry d Zuekunft future s Altersheim old people’s home de Eleiverdiener sole wage earner |
January 2023