Today we are going shopping. In this lesson you will learn to say: "This is mine", "No way" and "I had it first" ❤️ Every Monday new lesson ❤️ ⬇️ Live lessons ⬇️ Conversation 1 Es tuet mir Leid, aber das isch miis Ti-schört. I am sorry, but this is my t-shirt. Es tuet mir au schüüli Leid, aber Si liged do falsch. Das isch miis. I am very sorry too, but you’re wrong. This is mine. Das chunt nid i Frog! Das isch s letschte abegsetzte Ti-schört. Das isch für mich! No way. This is the last t-shirt on sale. This one is for me! Ich ha s zersch gha! I had it first. Nei, ich ha s zersch gha! No, I had it first. Conversation 2 Es tuet mir Leid, aber das isch mine Schüpp. I am sorry, but this is my skirt. Es tuet mir au schüüli Leid, aber Si liged do falsch. Das isch mine. I am very sorry too, but you’re wrong. This is mine. Das chunt nid i Frog! Das isch de letschti abegsetzti Schüpp. Dä isch für mich! No way. This is the last skirt on sale. This one is for me! Ich ha ne zersch gha! I had it first. Nei, ich ha ne zersch gha! No, I had it first. Conversation 3 Es tuet mir Leid, aber das isch mini Bluse. I am sorry, but this is my blouse. Es tuet mir au schüüli Leid, aber Si liged do falsch. Das isch mini. I am very sorry too, but you’re wrong. This is mine. Das chunt nid i Frog! Das isch di letschti abegsetzti Bluse. Die isch für mich! No way. This is the last blouse on sale. This one is for me! Ich ha si zersch gha! I had it first. Nei, ich si zersch gha! No, I had it first. Conversation 4 Es tuet mir Leid, aber das sind mini Hose. I am sorry, but these are my trousers. Es tuet mir au schüüli Leid, aber Si liged do falsch. Das sind mini. I am very sorry, but you’re wrong. These are mine. Das chunt nid i Frog! Das sind di letschte abegsetzte Hose. Die sind für mich! No way. These are the last trousers on sale. These are for me! Ich ha si zersch gha! I had them first. Nei, ich ha si zersch gha! No, I had them first. |
January 2023