In today's Swiss German lesson we will talk about neighbours. Do you get along with your neighbours? How do you solve problems with them? Uf dem Bild schiint s, dass de Nochber siis Auto vor de Garasch vom andere parkiert het. On this picture, it seems that the neighbour parked his car in front of the garage of the other one. Jetz cha-n-er mit siim Auto nid i d Garasch fahre. Now he can't drive into the garage with his car. Was würdsch i dere Situation mache? What would you do in this situation? Im Momänt bi-n-i guet druf und ich glaub ich würd ganz aaschtändig go froge, öb er siis Auto chönnt nöimed andersch äneschtelle. At the moment I feel good and I think I would go and ask very politely, whether he could park his car somewhere else. Meischtens mached das d Nochbere jo nid mit böse Absichte. Mostly the neighbors don't do this with bad intentions. Drum isch es besser, wenn mer ruig bliibt und si fründlich druf hiiwiist. That's why it's better when one stays calm and points it out friendly. Ich cha-mer s chuum vorschtelle, dass si denn nid bereit wäred, s Auto z verschtelle. I can barely imagine that then they wouldn't be happy to move the car. Di meische Lüüt sind jo vernümftig. Most people are reasonable. Meischtens git s e logischi Erklärig defür, wiso öpper so öppis macht. Mostly there is a logical explanation, why someone would to something like that. Vilicht isch es jo e-n-eleierziehendi Mueter, wo einsam isch und gärn Bsuech hätt.:-) Maybe it's a single mother, which is lonely and would like to have guests. :-) Wenn s natürlich öpper extra macht, nur zum mi närve, denn chönnt-i im schlimschte Fall au no de Polizei aalüüte, aber nume, wenn s nid andersch goht. When somebody does this deliberately, of course, just to get on my nerves, then in the worst case I could call the Police, but only when it doesn't work differently. Es isch vil wärt, wenn mer gueti Beziehige mit sine Nochbere het. It's worth a lot, when one has good relationships with his neighbours. Schwirigkeite mit de Nochbere
Sich bi de Nochbere aaschtändig beschwäreS Huebers hend es Fäscht, do lüüted Telefon. At the Hueber Family, there is a party, and the phone is ringing.
January 2023