Ich bi zum erschte Mal sit em Februar mit Fründe is Reschtorant gange. I went to a restaurant for the first time with friends since February. Das isch am Mäntig gsi. This was on Monday. Es isch sehr lässig gsi. It was really nice. Mir sind i-n-es nöis Reschtorant gange, wo im Februar isch eröffnet worde. We went to a new restaurant that opened in February. Zum Glück hend si die Ziit vom Lockdown überläbt. Luckily it survived the lockdown period. Es isch würklich es tolls Reschtorant mit tollem Personal. It’s a really nice restaurant with nice staff. Es isch nume 5 Minute vo üs ewäg. It’s only 5 minutes away from us. De Chreis Füüf chunt mir mängisch vor wie es chliises Dorf. District 5 sometimes feels like a small village to me. D Lüüt könned enand. People known each other. Es isch e super Atmosphäre. It has a great atmosphere. Ich fühle mich do dehei. I feel at home here. Mir könned alli Gschäft und si könned au mini Tochter. We know all the stores and they also know my daughter. Mir reded immer chli zäme. We always have a little chat Thank you for your help to translate the lesson from Swiss German to English. |
January 2023