Talking about jobs in Swiss GermanHere is a short lesson about jobs. You will learn how to say I am looking for a job in Swiss German. Who knows maybe this phrase will impress your future Swiss employer. Listen to the recording and repeat as many times as you feel like. Some useful Swiss German phrases: Ich sueche I am looking for ... Ich schaffe I work Ich möcht gärn I would like to Ich sueche ... I am looking for ... Ich schaffe ... I work ... Ich möcht gärn schaffe. I would like to work. Ich sueche-n-e Schtell i de Schwiiz. I am looking for a job in Switzerland. Ich bi-n-e-n-Ääschiniör. I am an engineer. Privat schaff-i mit Linux, aber natürlich könn- i au Windows. Privately I work with Linux, but of course I know Windows too. Ich möcht gärn z Züri schaffe. I would like to work in Zurich. Isch es eifach, z Züri e Schtell z finde, we-mer kei Schwiizertütsch redt? Is it easy to find a job in Zurich if you don't speak Swiss German? Listen and repeat |
January 2023