Si cha sehr guet singe. She can sing very well. Si singt wunderschön. She sings beautifully. Si singt liideschaftlich. She sings with passion. Si singt nur für ihn. She sings only for him. Er cha ab Blatt schpile. He can play from the sheet. Er cha himmlisch improvisiere. He can improvise heavenly. Er spilt meischterhaft Klavier. He plays the piano masterfully. Er schpilt mit Liib und Seel. He plays with his heart and soul. Er schpilt nur für ihn. He plays only for him. Ich lose zue. I listen. Iri Musig goht i miis Härz. Their music goes in my heart. Ich bi begeischteret. I am enthusiastic. Ich tanze. I dance. Alli tanzed mit. All dance along. Chasch du singe? Can you sing? Chasch Gitarre schpile? Can you play the guitar? Chasch trumele? Can you play the drums? Chasch Giige schpile? Can you play the violine? |
January 2023