Ich bi im Oktober elei uf Sardinie gange. In October I went to Sardinia on my own. Ich ha lang gwärweist, zwüsche Sardinie und Zypere, aber denn ha-n-i mi für Sardine entschide. I hesitated long between Sardinia and Cyprus, but then I decided for Sardinia. Schlussändlich ha-n-i mi für Sardinie entschide, wil s billiger isch gsi. Finally, I decided for Sardinia, because it was cheaper. Ich ha vom Mäntig bis am Donnschtig frei gha. I was off from Monday till Thursday. Wil s am Mäntig kei diräkte Flug het gha, bi-n-i über Madrid gfloge. Because there was no direct flight on Monday, I flew through Madrid. Ich bi füüf Täg lang det gsi. I was there for five days. Ich bi go d Schtadt besichtige und a s Meer go bade. I went sightseeing in the town and swimming in the sea. Ich ha s italiänische Ässe gnosse. I have enjoyed Italian food. D Insle isch sehr interessant gsi. The island was very interesting. Es het vil gschichtlichi Orte, Paläscht, Chile, es Kunschtmuseum, es Aquarium, de alti grossi Märt mit vilne früsche Sache usw. There are a lot of historic sights, palaces, churches, an art museum, an aquarium in the old marketplace with a lot of fresh things and so on. Ich ha au einigi Lüüt det könneglehrt. I also got to know some people there. Ich bi i-mene Airbnb gsi und d Vermieter hend i de Gaschtronomii gschaffet. I was in an Airbnb and the landlords were working in the gastronomy. Si hend mir vil Ort empfohle, wo-n-i cha go bsueche. They recommended me a lot of places which I can go to visit. D Lüüt det sind sehr eifach im Umgang und interessiert a de Lüüt, wo si chömed cho bsueche. The people there are very simple in the contact and interested in the people who come to see them. Si sind sehr härzlich und gaschtfründlich gsi. They were very affectionate and hospitable. Di meischte hend i-mene gebrochene Änglisch mit mir gredt. Most spoke in broken English with me. Aber mir hend üs guet verschtande. But we understood each other well. Mir gfallt di italiänischi Kultur sehr. I very much like the Italian culture. Am Morge gönd si zersch is Kafi, bevor si gönd go schaffe. In the morning they go to the coffee shop first, before they go to work. Si sind immer am Lache und Rede und Singe und Ässe. They are always laughing and speaking and singing and eating. Si gönd vil zäme Uus is Reschtorant und pfleged sich sehr. They often go together to the restaurant, and they care well for themselves. Si tünd sich debi sehr schön aazieh. They do dress beautifully when they go out. Sogar alti Lüüt gönd zäme i Uusgang und hend de Plausch mitenand. Even old people go out together and have fun together. Es isch sehr e gueti Atmosphäre gsi. It was a very good atmosphere. Ich bi scho Ändi vo de Säson gange und alli hend mi gfrogt, was ich do mache. I went at the end of the touristic season, and everybody asked me, what I am doing here. Zu dere Ziit het s au chli Überschwemmige gha. At this time there were some floodings too. Z Majorca isch es denn vil schlimmer gsi, aber z Sardinie zum Glück weniger. In Majorca, it was much worse then, but in Sardina luckily a little less. Während enere Nacht het s es Uusgeh verbot gha und mir sind mehreri Schtund zäme im Reschtorant blibe, bevor si wider Entwarnig hend gäh. During the night there was a ban to go out, and we had to stay together some hours in the restaurant, before they permitted us to leave. Mir hend aber sehr e gueti Ziit gha zäme und ich ha vil Lüüt könneglehrt. But we had a perfect time together, and I got to know a lot of people. Schlussändlich ha-n-i denn z Fuess zu minere Wohnig zrugg chönne, wil si uf em Hügel obe isch gsi. Finally, I could go home to my apartment on foot, because it was on the hill. |
January 2023