Here is a short story in Swiss German. It was told by one of my students. What would you do in a situation like that? Schtell dir vor! Imagine! Geschter het mi mine Sohn im Badzimmer iibschlosse! Yesterday my son locked me into the bathroom! Er het de Schlüssel vo usse is Schloss gschteckt, wo-n-i am Dusche gsi bi. He stuck the key from outside into the lock, when I was having a shower. Denn het er ne dräit und wo-n-i ha wölle use goh, isch d Türe bschlosse gsi. Then he turned it and when I wanted to go out, the door was closed. Ich glaub er isch sehr verschrocke debi. I believe he was very scared. Dur d Tür ha-n-ich-em denn erklärt, dass er de Schlüssel wider mues i di anderi Richtig dräie. Through the door, I then explained to him, that he must turn the key in the other direction again. Aber er het d Närve dezue nümm gha. But he didn’t have the nerves to do it anymore. Es isch eifach nümm gange! It just didn’t work! Ich ha mir scho vorgschtellt, dass ich de ganz Tag do im Badzimmer iibschlosse bi. I already imagined that I will be locked up the whole day here in the bathroom. Denn ersch chunt mine Maa vo de Arbet hei. Only when my husband comes home from work. Aber wär würd denn zu miim Sohn luege? But who would watch my son then? Er isch jo ersch vieri! He is only four! Wär würd denn Zmittag choche? Who would cook dinner then? Ich ha mi gfühlt wie-i-n-ere schlächte Kommödie. I felt like in a bad comedy. Ich hätt am liebschte di ganz Tür iigschlage. I could have smashed the whole door. Doch denn ha-n-i mer überleit, dass es besser wär, us em Fenschter z chlättere. But then I thought, that it might be better, to climb out of the window. Ich ha also mine Bademantel aazoge und bi us em Badzimmerfenschter usegchlätteret. So I put on my bathrobe and climbed out of the window of the bathroom. Ich ha ghofft, dass mi üse Nochber nid gseht. I was hoping that our neighbor doesn't see me. Zum Glück isch üses Badzimmer im Parterre … und das het mer kei grösseri Schwirigkeite gmacht. Luckily our bathroom is on the ground floor … and that didn’t cause me greater difficulties. Dusse het s grad gschtürmt und de Wind isch mer um d Ohre pfiffe. Outside it was stormy and the wind whistled around my ears. Ich ha mine Bademantel änger um mich ume zoge …. und bi schnäll barfuess um s Huus ume gschprunge. I wrapped my bathrobe closer around me …. and ran fast with bare feet around the house. D Iigangstüre isch glücklicherwiis nid bschlosse gsi. Luckily the front door wasn’t locked. So ha-n-i mi schnäll i di warmi Schtube chönne rette und mine verwirrti Sohn i d Arme näh. So I could save myself quickly into the warm living room and take my confused son in my arms. Ich glaube s nöchschte Mal bschlüss-i s Badzimmer lieber vo inne, wenn i dusche. I think next time I better close the bathroom door from the inside when I have a shower. |
January 2023