Sätzli mit Modalverbe - Sentences with modal verbs
Today's lesson is about Swiss modal verbs like: can, must, should...
This is an overview. You will find links to the seperate verbs underneath.
This is an overview. You will find links to the seperate verbs underneath.
Ich cha scho rächt vil Schwiizertütsch verschtoh.
I already can understand quite a lot of Swiss German.
Alli mini Chind chönd guet schwümme.
All my children can swim.
Wo-n-i mine Maa könneglehrt ha, het er nonig chönne Auto-fahre.
When I got to know my husband, he couldn't drive a car yet.
Wo-n-i i d Schwiiz züglet bi, ha-n-i kei Schwiizertütsch chönne rede.
When I moved to Switzerland, I couldn't speak any Swiss German.
to want
De Dominik wott es färngschtürets Auto chaufe.
Dominik wants to buy a car with a remote control.
Mir wönd e nöi-i Kafimaschine chaufe.
We want to buy a new coffee machine.
Entschuldigung, das ha-n-i nid wölle.
Sorry, I didn't want this.
Er het wölle go mauntenbaike.
He wanted to go mountain biking?
sölle (sött- )
shall (should)
De Dokter het gseit, ich söll drü Tag lang dehei bliibe.
The doctor said, I shall stay at home for three days.
Ich sött meh Schport mache.
I should do more sport.
D Petra het gseit, mir söled si cho bsueche.
Petra said, we shall come to visit her.
Du hättisch mir sölle säge, dass es dir nid passt.
You should have told me, that it doesn't suit you.
to be allowed
Si daf scho elei go iichaufe.
She is allowed to go shopping on her own.
Si döfed zu irne Cusä go schlofe.
They can go to sleep at their cusins.
Mir döfed am Sunntig nid schtoubsuuge.
We can't vacuum on Sundays. That's not allowed in Switzerland.
Als Chind ha-n-i immer scho döffe mache, was mine gross Brüeder het döffe.
As a child I always already could do, what my big brother was allowed to do.
HD "mögen" = like
gärn ha
Ich ha gärn Schpaghetti.
I like Spaghetti.
Er het mi sehr gärn.
He likes me a lot.
gärn tue
Ich tue gärn Schpaghetti ässe.
I like to eat spaghetti.
Mini Chind tünd sehr gärn tschutte.
My kids like to play football.
Ich bi früener sehr gärn i d Jublalager gange.
Earlier I very much liked to go to Jubla camps.
möge = d Chraft, d Kapazität oder d Ziit ha
Du söttisch nur schöpfe, was magsch ässe.
You should only take on your plate, what you can eat.
Tue dir doch sälber grad schöpfe, denn magsch es au ässe.
Take yourself, so you'll be able to eat it too.
Am Schluss vo üsere Velotuur, he-mer fascht nüm möge heifahre.
At the end of our cycling tour, we nearly weren't able to make it home.
Hesch no uf de Zuug möge?
Did you make it on the train?
Mues das unbedingt sii?
Does this really have to be?
Mir münd öppis ässe, üsi Chind hend Hunger.
We have to eat something, our children are hungry.
Geschter ha-n-i vil müsse schaffe, drum schlof i hüt uus.
Yesterday I had to work a lot, that's why I sleep in today.
Ich cha scho rächt vil Schwiizertütsch verschtoh.
I already can understand quite a lot of Swiss German.
Alli mini Chind chönd guet schwümme.
All my children can swim.
Wo-n-i mine Maa könneglehrt ha, het er nonig chönne Auto-fahre.
When I got to know my husband, he couldn't drive a car yet.
Wo-n-i i d Schwiiz züglet bi, ha-n-i kei Schwiizertütsch chönne rede.
When I moved to Switzerland, I couldn't speak any Swiss German.
to want
De Dominik wott es färngschtürets Auto chaufe.
Dominik wants to buy a car with a remote control.
Mir wönd e nöi-i Kafimaschine chaufe.
We want to buy a new coffee machine.
Entschuldigung, das ha-n-i nid wölle.
Sorry, I didn't want this.
Er het wölle go mauntenbaike.
He wanted to go mountain biking?
sölle (sött- )
shall (should)
De Dokter het gseit, ich söll drü Tag lang dehei bliibe.
The doctor said, I shall stay at home for three days.
Ich sött meh Schport mache.
I should do more sport.
D Petra het gseit, mir söled si cho bsueche.
Petra said, we shall come to visit her.
Du hättisch mir sölle säge, dass es dir nid passt.
You should have told me, that it doesn't suit you.
to be allowed
Si daf scho elei go iichaufe.
She is allowed to go shopping on her own.
Si döfed zu irne Cusä go schlofe.
They can go to sleep at their cusins.
Mir döfed am Sunntig nid schtoubsuuge.
We can't vacuum on Sundays. That's not allowed in Switzerland.
Als Chind ha-n-i immer scho döffe mache, was mine gross Brüeder het döffe.
As a child I always already could do, what my big brother was allowed to do.
HD "mögen" = like
gärn ha
Ich ha gärn Schpaghetti.
I like Spaghetti.
Er het mi sehr gärn.
He likes me a lot.
gärn tue
Ich tue gärn Schpaghetti ässe.
I like to eat spaghetti.
Mini Chind tünd sehr gärn tschutte.
My kids like to play football.
Ich bi früener sehr gärn i d Jublalager gange.
Earlier I very much liked to go to Jubla camps.
möge = d Chraft, d Kapazität oder d Ziit ha
Du söttisch nur schöpfe, was magsch ässe.
You should only take on your plate, what you can eat.
Tue dir doch sälber grad schöpfe, denn magsch es au ässe.
Take yourself, so you'll be able to eat it too.
Am Schluss vo üsere Velotuur, he-mer fascht nüm möge heifahre.
At the end of our cycling tour, we nearly weren't able to make it home.
Hesch no uf de Zuug möge?
Did you make it on the train?
Mues das unbedingt sii?
Does this really have to be?
Mir münd öppis ässe, üsi Chind hend Hunger.
We have to eat something, our children are hungry.
Geschter ha-n-i vil müsse schaffe, drum schlof i hüt uus.
Yesterday I had to work a lot, that's why I sleep in today.