Sätzli mit Modalverbe - Sentences with modal verbs
Today's lesson is about the Swiss modal verb can "chönne". It means to be able to but also can be used as synonym of döffe to be allowed to. Try to fill in the gaps in the 2nd part.
Ich cha scho rächt vil Schwiizertütsch verschtoh.
I already can understand quite a lot of Swiss German.
Alli mini Chind chönd guet schwümme.
All my children can swim.
Wo-n-i mine Maa könneglehrt ha, het er nonig chönne Auto-fahre.
When I got to know my husband, he couldn't drive a car yet.
Wo-n-i i d Schwiiz züglet bi, ha-n-i kei Schwiizertütsch chönne rede.
When I moved to Switzerland, I couldn't speak any Swiss German.
Ich cha scho rächt vil Schwiizertütsch verschtoh.
I already can understand quite a lot of Swiss German.
Alli mini Chind chönd guet schwümme.
All my children can swim.
Wo-n-i mine Maa könneglehrt ha, het er nonig chönne Auto-fahre.
When I got to know my husband, he couldn't drive a car yet.
Wo-n-i i d Schwiiz züglet bi, ha-n-i kei Schwiizertütsch chönne rede.
When I moved to Switzerland, I couldn't speak any Swiss German.
I de Schwiiz cha-mer go Bärg schtiige und wandere.
Jo. Defür cha-mer nid a s Meer go bade.
Das macht nüüt. Mir chönd au a See go bade. Es het jo vil See-e.
Chasch du guet schwümme?
Es goht. Mine Maa cha vil besser schwümme.
Ich ha nonig chönne schwümme, wo mir üs troffe hend.
Ich cha nid so guet ghöre.
Jo. Du chasch wenigschtens no gseh.
Chö-mer öich am Wuchenänd cho bsueche?
Jo klar. Ir chönd jederziit cho.