In today's lesson you will learn how to make a compliment and say something nice about your host's food. Also you will learn how to ask a simple question "Would you like to drink something?" in Swiss German
Wotsch no chli Salat?
Would you like some more salad?
Ja, gern.
Yes, please.
Nei, danke.
No, thanks.
Das gseht aber super us!
This looks great!
Läk tschimi, das isch aber toll.
Wow, this is cool.
Das isch mega guet.
This is awesome.
Ich hätti gärn noch chli gha.
I would like some more.
Would you like some more salad?
Ja, gern.
Yes, please.
Nei, danke.
No, thanks.
Das gseht aber super us!
This looks great!
Läk tschimi, das isch aber toll.
Wow, this is cool.
Das isch mega guet.
This is awesome.
Ich hätti gärn noch chli gha.
I would like some more.
Möchtisch öpis trinke?
Would you like to drink something?
Ja, gern. Was schlosch vor?
Yes, please. What do you propose?
Es Glesli Rote oder es Bier.
A small glass of red (wine) or a beer.
De gärn es Glesli Rote.
Then I'd like a small glass of red (wine).
Proscht. Uf d' Liebi!
Cheers. To love!
So, "les amour" sind no für dich!
So, the last drops of the bottle (the drops of love) are for you.
Oh, danke vöu mau und merci für dini Iinladig.
Oh, thanks a lot and thanks for your invitation.
Would you like to drink something?
Ja, gern. Was schlosch vor?
Yes, please. What do you propose?
Es Glesli Rote oder es Bier.
A small glass of red (wine) or a beer.
De gärn es Glesli Rote.
Then I'd like a small glass of red (wine).
Proscht. Uf d' Liebi!
Cheers. To love!
So, "les amour" sind no für dich!
So, the last drops of the bottle (the drops of love) are for you.
Oh, danke vöu mau und merci für dini Iinladig.
Oh, thanks a lot and thanks for your invitation.