Was mached mer z Züri? - What shall we do in Zurich?

- Du, was wöm-mer hüt mache?
- Hey you, what shall we do today?
- Ich weiss nid, hesch e Vorschlag?
- I don't know. Have you got any suggestion?
- Es isch so schön, mer chönnted doch e chli a See go bade.
- It's so nice, we could go swimming to the lake.
- Nei, du weisch doch, dass-i Angscht ha vor em Schwömme im See.
- No, you know, that I'm afraid of swimming in the lake.
- Bisch scho einisch im Zoo gsi?
- Have you ever been to the zoo?
- De Zoo, das isch doch nur öpis für Chind.
- The zoo, this is only for children.
- Jo, natürlech, aber für Erwachseni au. Ich gang zum Bischpöu ganz gärn i d Masoala Halle. Det het’s hüt am zwöi sogar e Füerig.
- Yes, of course, but for grown-ups too. I for example like going to the Masoala hall. There they have even a guided tour today at 2pm.
- Das tönt würklech nid schlächt. Auso guet, de göm-mer hüt zäme i Zoo und nochhär lad-i di zum Ässe-n ii.
- This really doesn't sound bad. Well then, let's go to the zoo together today and after that I invite you for a meal.
- Hey you, what shall we do today?
- Ich weiss nid, hesch e Vorschlag?
- I don't know. Have you got any suggestion?
- Es isch so schön, mer chönnted doch e chli a See go bade.
- It's so nice, we could go swimming to the lake.
- Nei, du weisch doch, dass-i Angscht ha vor em Schwömme im See.
- No, you know, that I'm afraid of swimming in the lake.
- Bisch scho einisch im Zoo gsi?
- Have you ever been to the zoo?
- De Zoo, das isch doch nur öpis für Chind.
- The zoo, this is only for children.
- Jo, natürlech, aber für Erwachseni au. Ich gang zum Bischpöu ganz gärn i d Masoala Halle. Det het’s hüt am zwöi sogar e Füerig.
- Yes, of course, but for grown-ups too. I for example like going to the Masoala hall. There they have even a guided tour today at 2pm.
- Das tönt würklech nid schlächt. Auso guet, de göm-mer hüt zäme i Zoo und nochhär lad-i di zum Ässe-n ii.
- This really doesn't sound bad. Well then, let's go to the zoo together today and after that I invite you for a meal.